I don’t do a lot of things well. I am pretty bad at MLB 14: The Show. I can’t draw, not even stick figures. I can’t sit through any of the Fast and the Furious movies (fell asleep watching film...
[New Webinar!] Seven Secrets To Beating Competitors on Google and Bing
New webinar with: Let’s face it, paid search is a war. The competition on Google and Bing is fierce, and search marketers are looking for any advantage to drive more quality conversions for less. But while everyone tracks clicks and...
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Excel PPC Heat Mapping 101
Spreadsheets are hard. For the uninitiated, diving in to an Excel file can be a daunting task. Make it easier on yourself with conditional formatting!
Google Introduces “My Business”
Today on Inside AdWords, Google introduced "My Business". My Business offers a new, free way for businesses to connect with their customers. All sorts of companies can reach their customers through Google by utilizing this new program.
Mobile Site Call Conversions Now Available in AdWords
Increase your pay-per-click management efficiency by utilizing Google's new mobile call-to-click conversion tracking right in the interface.
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Quick Survey: What Are Your Biggest PPC Pain Points?
Take Our Quarter 2 Industry Report On PPC Pain Points Last year’s State of the PPC Industry report was so popular, we decided to do it a little more often than once a year. From now on, we’ll be providing...
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Morning Clicks: Bing Releases New Device Targeting, Auto Tagging, Google Makes Mobile Ad Changes, and more
Bing released some big news this past week. They decided Google had it right all along, and now plan to release what Google AdWords describes as "Enhanced Campaigns" in order to make transitioning AdWords campaigns to easier.
Growing the PPC Community
It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I announce I am now part of the Hanapin Marketing team! My new role is Senior Account Manager, Community. Along with managing accounts, my main priority is running PPC Hero and increasing...
New Webinar with Google! Three Next-Level Strategies for Ecommerce PPC
You’ve heard of the dozens of PPC tools at your disposal to target your customer at the perfect point in the buying cycle – are you ready to take your ecommerce plan to the next level? Are Google’s Shopping Campaigns...
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[Webinar Recording] Eight Things You Didn’t Know About PPC & SEO
PPC advertising (also known as “Paid Search” and “Pay Per Click”) is when an advertiser is charged when a user clicks their ad (versus just showing the ad). SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about getting a website found and ranking...
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Optimize Bids By Weather Using AdWords Scripts
It’s that time of year… drums please, summer summertime!” The time of year when the sun is shinning one minute and the next minute, rain is ruining your summer BBQ plans. If you have a product or service that is...
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How to Form a Remarketing Strategy
On average, only 2% of users convert on their first site visit, making it crucial in today’s competitive landscape that you have a solid remarketing strategy in place. Thanks to Google, remarketing is now really easy to set up and...