Hanapin Marketing, the wonderful PPC Agency behind PPC Hero and our annual Hero Conf PPC conference, is looking for a an important piece to our team to help support our long-term growth plans. Hanapin is looking for a PPC...
3 Things In-house PPC Managers Wished Agencies Knew
I spend a lot of my time trying to figure out what our clients/ideal clients want in terms of services and results. I do this by asking them questions directly, observing the questions and comments they make to our account...
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Do Mobile Preferred Ads Actually Prefer Mobile?
Enhanced Campaigns have been pretty controversial, as I’m sure you’re aware. While some of us here at PPC Hero have experienced some success due to the massive influx of mobile traffic, others are still wrestling with the total loss of...
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Do Your Ads Make People Feel Cheated Before They’ve Even Bought From You?
I’m a HUGE proponate of interesting, compelling photos with lots of story-appeal and visual intrigue. So I was excited to see this ad pop-up in my newsfeed: But then I was deeply dissapointed. Believe it or not, the COPY for...
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Dominate Your Enhanced Campaign Bid Adjustments with New Google Analytics Report
As we wrap up the first week of the official Enhanced Campaign migration and start to gather all the data we can to optimize our accounts in the brave new world of enhanced campaigns, Google Analytics comes in to save...
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6 Cool New Advertising Options In Google AdWords
It seems like it’s been a crazy few weeks at the Googleplex with the amount of new features that have been added into AdWords. We’re going to take a quick look into 6 of the different features available that you might...
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Get a Grasp Of AdWord Scripts – A Quick Explanation and Example
Scripts are something that many account managers ask about but can’t find enough information on. This video will give you a quick overview of a basic script as well as how it functions. While it won’t turn you into a...
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The One Hour Placement Report
There is an enormous amount of information in a placement report – some may even say an overwhelming amount of information. I’ve known some overzealous individuals who have spent full days on a single placement report, emerging on the other...
Are You Spending Your PPC Budget Wisely? [New Webinar!]
Whether you’re planning your initial PPC budget or evaluating your current spend every day, there are plenty of tips and strategies for spending your PPC dollars more wisely. PPC accounts in all stages could probably use a refresher when it...
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Christmas in July Webinar Recording
As busy as the holiday rush we all know and love is, for most marketers the rest of the year is busy too. That makes it hard to plan very far ahead, and you risk having to scramble to take...
How To Deal With Client Tracking Issues
Working at a PPC agency has provided me experience with clients ranging in tech-savviness and web development resources. It's not uncommon for tracking issues to develop, and it's not uncommon for me to be the one that has to sort...
RLSA & Why Tablet Targeting Isn’t Dead
The introduction of enhanced campaigns has been bad news for Tablet-only advertisers. Thomas Hertkorn of Netlead discusses the options you have to get round Google's latest constraints using RLSA.