Have you attempted to expand your PPC advertising by crossing over to the Display Network, but ended up spending a lot of money without generating conversions? If so, then this month's PPC Hero series on How To Succeed On The...
Blog Posts
Heroview – Managing Google Grants Accounts with John Lavin
Today’s #Heroview featured John Lavin (@johnnyjetfan) as he revealed his expertise in working with Google Grants Accounts. The interview was full of great insights and interesting new ideas to add to your PPC arsenal. But you don’t need me to...
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Google Introduces The +1 Button To Display Ads
We’ve talked about the +1 button on PPC Hero before. We’ve told you how it allows people who like your site to “+1” your search ads, and doing so will show all their Google contacts that the person liked it....
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George W. Bush Wonders “What the Query?”
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need a good laugh. If you have awesome co-workers like I do, then having a good time and a lot of laughs at work is pretty easy; so for me, finding...
Our 3 Most Valuable PPC Metrics
Last week, Wordstream asked the Hanapin team to participate in survey to find out which PPC metrics account managers think are the most valuable. It brought me back to when I was first learning about pay-per-click and felt overwhelmed by...
It’s World Gratitude Day – What Are You Grateful For?
In my 25 short years on this Earth, something I’ve realized is that sometimes it seems easier to complain than to show gratitude and have a grateful heart. I really don’t know why this is the case, but today is...
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Top of Page and First Page Bid Estimates
If you use AdWords, I’m sure you’ve noticed a status called ‘First Page Bid Estimate’ and maybe even decided to opt in to the newer ‘Top of Page Estimate’ that you can now make a column in your interface. These bid estimates...
How To Use adCenter’s Explicit and Implicit Bidding Strategy
On this week’s Whaddya’know Wednesdays, our weekly expert, Abby Woodcock, tells us how to use adCenter’s new explicit and implicit bidding strategy. You may remember Felicia’s post about this. Since she’s the expert on the topic here in the office,...
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Ads in the Wild: When Shorter Really IS Better
It’s Tuesday, and that means time for another installment of our “Ads in the Wild Series” from one of our PPC Hero Allies, Jeff Sexton of BoostCTR, where he dissects and analyzes ads he sees various places online. This series...
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adCenter’s September 2011 Upgrade is Live!
Firmly standing by their practice of listening to their users’ feedback from forums and various other Bing-staff-accessible locations, adCenter told us earlier this month that an upgrade was on the way. Well, here it is! Live and available for your...
How To Schedule Your PPC Tasks For Effective Account Management
Remember to change the setting on YouTube to 1080p to see us in full HD!
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Whaddya’know Wednesdays: 6 Tips to Enhance Your Negative Keyword Strategy
On this week’s Whaddya’know Wednesdays, our weekly expert, Bethany Bey, give you 6 tips to enhance your negative keyword strategy. Negative keywords are just as important as your regular ones! So, if you’ve been neglecting your negatives or would like...
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