Read PPC Hero's Greatest Hits for July 2011 to gain insight on strategy and best practices for your pay-per-click accounts!
Blog Posts
Everything You Need To Pass The Google Advertising Fundamentals Exam
The first time I was studying for the AdWords Fundamentals exam I was extremely nervous. I had been managing accounts for about 4 months but was still unsure if I knew enough to pass the exam. It didn't help that...
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Whaddya’know Wednesdays: 5 Easy Ways to Get Your PPC Account Out of the Gutter
Your metrics are all over the place, your goals seem far away, and you feel like your optimizations are getting you nowhere: your account is in the gutter! Never fear, this week’s Whaddya’know Wednesdays expert, Sarah Stup, is here to...
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Diagnosing a Problem Account
At some point in our tenure as a PPC account manager, we all encounter an account that just seems flat out stuck. Conversions start to steadily decrease, click-through rate starts to slide, and if you’re especially unlucky you’ll start seeing...
Ads In The Wild – Keeping It Social
This is the second in a weekly series of posts from one of our PPC Hero Allies, Jeff Sexton of BoostCTR, where he’ll dissect and analyze ads he sees various places online. Jeff's "Ads In The Wild" series will give...
Keyword Match Types: The What and Why
Keyword match types are not a one size fits all kind of deal (like stretchy pants). Instead, all three can be utilized together, or separately, depending on your PPC strategy and/or business type. Each match type has its own set...
Dealing With Google AdWords and Analytics Data Discrepancies
In a touching speech by President Jack Nicholson, he asks alien invaders “Why can't we work out our differences? Why can't we work things out? Little people, why can't we all just get along?” Although things didn’t end so well...
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Google Announces Click-to-Call Enhancements in AdWords Ads
In an email today from Google to AdWords advertisers, Google announced enhancements to their click-to-call functionality in AdWords ad text. This is important information to have because these enhancements will impact charges on clicks to these phone numbers. What are...
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Search Queries That Make You Say “Hmmm…”
Sometimes PPC work is fun and exciting, and other times it’s just a little monotonous. Staring at data and spreadsheets for extended periods of time is not always how I’d LIKE to spend my day. But one set of data...
“Car rental in Greenville” AKA: Using AdWords Location Targeting Effectively
Do you remember back in March, when AdWords announced that you could now choose how you wanted to consider location targeting for geographically-defined traffic? Rather than just allowing advertisers to say, “yes! I want to do some geotargeting!” they gave...
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Whaddya’know Wednesdays: Quality Score
Quality Score is sometimes seen as this mysterious force that affects your AdWords account without any way to manipulate it directly. You certainly can’t pay for a better QS–you can only raise it by optimizing your account to do so....
Google +1 Feels the Need. The Need for Speed!
Google announced yesterday that they are rolling out improvements to the +1 Button already. Does that mean the name changes to Google +1.1? Faster is always better so they decreased the load time of the actual button and of the...
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