Want to boost your paid search clicks without increasing your budget? Of course you do! Mike Fleming of Search Engine Guide has advice for accomplishing just that. His tip for increasing clicks is to discover untapped markets that can become...
How Can I Make it Better? Part 4: Improving Click-Through Rate
In the last couple of weeks on PPC Hero, we have been writing a series of posts themed, “how can I make it better?” Jen started the series with tips on improving your account structure. Amy then gave readers 6...
Continue Reading How Can I Make it Better? Part 4: Improving Click-Through Rate
Identifying & Improving Poor Landing Pages
The last few weeks we have been tackling basic PPC principles, looking at “how can I make it better?” with some general best practices and tips. We have looked at account structure tips and steps to improve your quality score...
PPC News Roundup for September 17, 2010
The holiday season is upon us, and the spike in online seasonal traffic is set to begin. The holidays definitely aren’t the time to set it and forget it; instead, we should capitalize on this time of year by beefing...
6 Steps To Raise Your Quality Score
Looking to boost your quality score? Find out how Google calculates quality score and use this checklist to increase your account's quality score!
Account Structure Set Up and Best Practices
Below is a break down of how PPC accounts are usually organized. They begin with campaigns, which are then broken down into ad groups. Each ad group has a specific, targeted set of keywords, and each ad group contains ad...
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PPC News Roundup for September 10, 2010
As Google continues on its journey to becoming Hal 9000 with the addition of Google Instant, the PPC world is a little concerned. As Geordie from PPC blog explains, Google Instant is streaming search queries as you type. But with...
Too Much of A Good Thing: Dealing With Duplicate Keywords
Let’s face it: PPC management is an ever-changing business. Managers and agencies come and go, accounts expand and shrink, and before you know it seven different people have had a hand in the evolution of an account. How many of...
Continue Reading Too Much of A Good Thing: Dealing With Duplicate Keywords
Developing a PPC Strategic Plan
You just got a new PPC client or maybe you are starting an account for a new brand or division of your company – what are you going to do first? Keyword research? Write ads? Before you dive in head...
PPC News Roundup for September 3, 2010
I’m always looking for new ways to enhance my AdWords accounts, so I was excited when Inside AdWords let me know that Google has added a new course to the AdWords Online Classroom. This course is designed for those of...
Our Greatest Hits for August 2010
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from April. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber, you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. Jen...
Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance Guide
We all know it’s coming. Some of us are excited while some of us wish it weren’t so. It’s certainly the biggest news in PPC marketing since…I dunno…AdWords? It’s tough to finally say it, but Yahoo and Bing are combining...