Google announced yesterday that the iPad is now listed as a mobile device that you can target specifically. To target the iPad search under Campaign Settings, Networks and Devices, and then Target only selected mobile devices. The post also points...
AdWords Tools for Keyword Expansion
Keyword research can be time consuming, especially when you have been working on an account for a while and have thousands and thousands of keywords already. It may feel like you are trying to find a needle in a haystack...
Using URL Tracking Parameters To Get More Out Of Analytics
One of the challenges of working in an agency environment is that, while it helps get the work done, multiple people touch an account, and you run the risk of creating inconsistencies. When you need to know that your data...
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Sunshine, Rainbows and Fraud on the Content Network
We’ve discussed in the past what a great source of leads Google’s content network can be- it can help you reach customers you didn’t even know you wanted to reach, or customers who didn’t even know they wanted your product!...
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PPC News Roundup for 4/9/2010
You just got assigned to manage a PPC account, now what? Josh Dreller provides great suggestions on how to approach the research process when you’re building your PPC accounts. This is a good read even if you’re a PPC veteran...
Integrating YouTube Promoted Vidoes Into Your PPC Accounts
I hate to admit it, but I probably spend more time surfing YouTube than I probably should. You know how it goes: A friend sends you a link to some funny or random video on YouTube, then you find another...
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How To Effectively Group PPC Keywords by Purchase Intent
Effective Keyword Grouping for Pay-Per Click One of the most underrated means of driving down your PPC costs and driving up the number of conversions you can generate through paid search is effectively grouping and segmenting your keywords. In this...
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6 Tips on Passing the Google Adwords Qualified Professional Exam
I recently had an opportunity to take the Google Advertising Fundamentals Exam, what fun! Overall it was a good experience, but here are a few tips that I wish I had known before taking it: 1) Read all of the...
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Our Greatest Hits for March 2010
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from March. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber, you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. If...
Getting to Know Your Audiences
Knowing your audience is essential to knowing where to target your ads, but sometimes you don’t know your audience as well as you think you do. You can gain valuable information about your audience through your conversion form. If you...
Always Review Your PPC Campaign Leads
As a PPC campaign manager for business-to-business (B2B) clients, there’s one question I always ask: “Will you share your leads with me?” I don’t want to muscle in on their territory. I want to know how effective their PPC campaign...
Ad Text Tips and Tricks for the Content Network
The Google content network is a mash up of many different sites and how people discover your ads on these sites is a little different than traditional search. People may or may not be searching for your brand or product,...
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