The lives of Yahoo PPC advertisers just got a little easier! Yahoo announced that they are launching a feature that lets you import campaign data from Google AdWords. Here’s a great tutorial on what types of Google Analytics reports you...
Increase Your PPC Ecommerce Sales with Yahoo! And Pricegrabber
Yahoo! Just announced yesterday that they will no longer offer the free Yahoo Shopping listings as part of their API services. They are now partnering up with Pricegrabber, an online comparison shopping search engine, to provide your products via Yahoo....
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PPC News Roundup for 1/8/2010
Google is definitely reaching new heights with their mobile ventures. Search Engine Land reported this week that Google is to introduce Click-to-Call (billing) in Ads on Mobile Devices. It will work much like the clicks to a website, except a...
Our Greatest Hits for December 2009
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from December. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. Need...
Did Your Holiday Optimization Work?
Now that the holiday festivities and hangovers are over with, it’s time to determine whether or not you pre-holiday optimization efforts were effective. So, what questions do you need to ask and what numbers do you need to evaluate? Impressions...
New Contact Form Extensions Beta from Google – Super Cool
Google is going extension crazy here lately with the release of site links, then location extensions, and now contact form extensions! I got an email from my Google rep asking if I wanted to participate in a new beta from...
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PPC Outside A Vacuum
This is a special guest blog post from Matt Umbro at Any PPC campaign interface provides valuable metrics such as number of clicks on a particular ad or the click-thru-rate (CTR) of a certain keyword, but to solely look...
Happy New Years 2010 from PPC Hero
Happy New Year! 2009 was a rough year for the country with the economy and all, so PPC Hero is cutting loose! Okay, maybe a bit too loose! But you can’t blame him… he has the PPC world resting on...
Do Higher Positions in Google Mean You Convert More? Here’s How to Find Out!
Brad Geddes is one of my favorite bloggers, and he has a really interesting link to a YouTube video that talks about how you can get information at the keyword level in Google Analytics that shows what conversion rates you...
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We Need Your Help – Only 3 Days left to fill out the PPC Hero Readership Survey!
If you haven’t already filled out our PPC Hero Readership Survey, please, please, please take a few minutes and do so now. We are continuously working to improve the blog and need your help in order to do so. Plus,...
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5 PPC Resolutions for 2010
Since we’re only a couple days away from the end of 2009 and many of us are working a short week this week, it seems like a good time to pull out a classic end of year cliche: the Resolution...
Happy Holidays 2009 from PPC Hero!
Yeah! Perhaps we’re in the minority, but we love the weather at this time of year. You can have snowball fights, go skiing, make a snowman, go ice skating… and don’t forget sledding! Sledding is the best. It isn’t really...