Lovely weather. 60’s. Love it. Hope your winter is showing signs of going away as well *unless of course, you like winter*. Happy Friday as well, here’s the blogs for the weekly roundup. Brad Geddes gives us some advice on...
New Features Rolling Out For Yahoo! Search Marketing, FINALLY!
Yahoo! is finally catching up with Google and MSN and has some new features rolling out mid-March. Here’s what they are: 1. Day Parting: Yahoo! has officially opened up their targeting preferences to certain times of the day. This is...
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How Does AdWords Determine a Keyword’s Quality Score Before It’s Even Activated? Find Out!
Recently, I was creating new campaigns and ad groups within a Google AdWords account. I loaded all of my keywords and ad texts, set my bids, reviewed my campaign settings, and I was ready for launch! Once I finished up...
Let’s Take another Look at URL Tagging and Tracking PPC Campaigns via Google Analytics
The more we write here at PPC Hero, the more we learn about pay-per-click in general and the needs and wants of our readers. Of all the topics we’ve touched on over the past few years, the one that has...
Our Greatest Hits for February, 2009
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from February. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy!...
PPC Hero Celebrates Dr. Seuss’ Birthday!
We want to wish Dr. Seuss a very happy birthday! PPC Hero is a big fan of all his books but as you can see, his favorite is the Cat in the Hat. It’s a classic! We hope you take...
PPC Hero Landing Page Critique Podcast – Star Tech Global
Today’s PPC Hero Landing Page Critique Podcast will focus on Star Tech Global, submitted by Faizal Johnson. Star Tech Global is an outsourcing software development firm. Faizal said in his submission that his goal is to increase leads from his...
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PPC News Roundup for February 27, 2009
Greetings PPC Hero readers! I got a Blackberry this week. And I love it. It really is a Crackberry. That’s really all I have for you this week. Enjoy the blogs! If you use AdCenter for international campaigns (anyone?), their...
Get All of Your AdWords PPC Tools in Place
Today, Google announced a site that acts as a one-stop shop for all your Google Adwords tools called the Google Agency Tool Kit. Within the site is several tools advertisers use every day to help create and optimize their PPC...
And Yet Another Wave of Yahoo! ‘Minimum Bid Requirements’ and Keyword Updates
This will admittedly be a short post. But I find it incredibly odd how Yahoo! has programmed their minimum bid system. In lieu of dynamically updating accounts that need attention on an as-needed basis – instead, Yahoo! rolls out massive...
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Has Yahoo Optimized Your Account Without Your Consent? You Better Check!
Last summer, we wrote about Yahoo’s ad profiling program. This is a quick reminder that you need to be vigilant when monitoring for changes that Yahoo makes to your PPC campaign without your knowledge or consent. What is Ad Profiling?...
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Happy International Pancake Day!
Breakfast is our favorite meal of the day… so we are extremely excited to wish everyone a very happy International Pancake Day! Pancakes are close to the perfect food. Hot, sweet, hardy and delicious! Now get over to IHOP and...