Using multiple campaigns to break up your PPC efforts is generally a smart principal that we adhere to. Nikki Kuhlman over at JumpFly reminds us why this is a good idea to consider in your pay-per-click strategies. You may already...
Google Ad Planner Vs. AdWords Placement Tool: Which provides better sites to target?
With the release of Ad Planner, Google continues to expand the tools at your disposal that help locate new sites to target within your PPC campaign. You also have available the Placement Tool within the AdWords interface that can help...
Our Greatest Hits for August!
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from August. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy!...
A Few Items You May Have Missed – That Will Surely Affect Your PPC Account
A lot of changes have been made within Google and Yahoo in the past few months. Chances are you read about them but haven’t kept them top of mind. In this post I’ll go over a few of the larger...
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PPC News Roundup for August 27, 2008
SEOmoz presents headsmacker tip #6 – Test with Paid Search Before You Target with SEO. This concise post is a nice refresher in the relationship between your PPC and SEO efforts, offering some good tips and insight. We are always...
Google Is Reshuffling the AdWords Deck Again: Prepare For Another Quality Score Update
Late last week, Google announced another round of changes for their Quality Score system. Be prepared to say goodbye to “inactive for search” and “minimum bids” with this update. According to Google, the end goal of this change is to...
You Asked, MSN Delivered. Reporting, Billing and Keyword Research Features Now Live in MSN
In a recent email from MSN, new features that have been requested by users to help improve the way advertisers manage their campaigns, pay their bills and more, have finally been added. The first enhancement in MSN is the ability...
PPC News Roundup for August 20, 2008
Surely by now you know of the social networking phenomenon sweeping the web. These social networking sites, like Facebook, offer advertising with text ads, akin to trusty AdWords. If your target audience is the younger, hip crowd, then this might...
Two Match Type Strategies That Can Enhance Your PPC Performance
Last week I wrote an article about an account that we inherited that had been constructed and managed poorly. One of the strategies I called into question was separating keyword match types into unique ad groups within Google AdWords. However,...
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Tell Us What Landing Page Changes Drive the Most Conversions For You
One thing that we can all agree upon is that landing pages are an integral part of managing effective pay-per-click accounts. Where that agreement begins to falter is when we begin discussing how individual elements of our landing pages contribute...
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A Poor PPC Account Structure Will Make Your Campaign Suffer
We frequently discuss PPC account structure and with good reason: your account structure can greatly affect the performance of your campaign. Honestly, I believe that account structure is one of the most important (if not the most important) elements of...
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PPC Hero Sightings Around the Blogosphere: Check Out Our Recent Guest Appearances
The elusive PPC Hero has been spotted in several places around the blogosphere here lately. Suprisingly, he always dons a different disguise, looking eerily like Joe, Amber or myself. Odd… Regardless, the content is still great and is chocked full...
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