The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from July. Whether you’re a new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management...
What Makes Google AdWords Tick? 2 Quality Score Formulas You Need to Know: Minimum Bids and Ad Position
Today begins PPC Hero’s newest journey into the belly of the PPC beast: Google AdWords Quality Score. This week, we are going to take a much more granular, advanced look at Quality Score. First up? Formulas, of course! Google maintains...
How To Grow Your PPC Campaign Organically
PPC management can move at break-neck speed. A PPC campaign can see immediate results, and you can manage your campaign at this rate. This is truly remarkable. Never has a marketing tool of this power been unleashed where you can...
Dissecting the Google AdWords Quality Score: See How it Actually Affects Your Account
Since the implementation of the Google AdWords quality score, pay-per-click advertisers across the world have changed the way they manage their PPC campaigns. On one side, I think advertisers believe in the Quality Score and feel it does truly help...
Google Is Removing Your Content Network Average Positions. What’s Next, Conversion Rates?
As part of the Google AdWords upgrade that brought us the new Content Network and Placement Targeting features, Google has gone and pulled a fast one on us. Within the new tabs, Google is removing your Content Network average position...
PPC News Roundup for July 30, 2008
Ever consider venturing away from the main PPC search engines – Google, Yahoo, and MSN? Perhaps you’ve been intrigued with the re-branding and launch of, formerly Could this help drive the niche traffic you’re looking for? Perhaps not...
Tips on Uploading Google Campaigns into Yahoo
A while back I wrote on how to take an export of your Google Adwords campaigns and use the Yahoo Third Party Converter Tool to bulk upload into Yahoo. While the process itself is fairly simple, a lot of people...
Continue Reading Tips on Uploading Google Campaigns into Yahoo
The Rogue Gardener: Yahoo’s Ad Profiling May Kill Your Weeds And Your Roses
As I reported earlier, Yahoo has instituted a new program called Ad Profiling. In a recent article at the YSM Blog, they liken your YSM account to a garden, and Ad Profiling is the gardener you didn’t hire to kill...
Continue Reading The Rogue Gardener: Yahoo’s Ad Profiling May Kill Your Weeds And Your Roses
Calling All PPC Managers! Take the PPC Industry Survey Today
Continuing in our effort to learn about PPC Hero’s readers, we have created a PPC Industry Survey. Our goal is two-fold: first off, we would like to learn specific details about our readers (anonymously, of course) to write tailor-made content...
Continue Reading Calling All PPC Managers! Take the PPC Industry Survey Today
Yahoo! Ambassador Program to be Terminated
Don’t worry, all that studying for the Yahoo! Ambassador test hasn’t gone to waste completely. Even though Yahoo announced today that they’re terminating their Ambassador program, you have until July 31st to complete the training and take the test to...
PPC News Roundup for July 23, 2008
What are your thoughts on the new Google Adwords Keyword Tool? Andrew Goodman from finds after much talk from disbelievers that he does think the Google tool provides good information on many different fronts. Get super selling copy writing...
Post-Click Marketing for PPC Heroes
Welcome to the first in a series of special guest articles that we’ll be publishing. This first article was writtne by Scott Brinker. Scott Brinker is a co-founder, president, and chief technology officer of ion interactive, a company that specializes...