Well, 2007 has come to a close and now is a good time to take stock of what we do well, and where we’d like to improve for 2008. For this example, we’ll think of our blog as a leaky...
Upload Google Campaigns in Yahoo! in Three Easy Steps
Have you ever spent hours trying to re-structure your Google campaign to upload into Yahoo!? You download your Google campaign, re-arrange the columns to fit Yahoos! upload structure, only to get errors from Yahoo! saying they can’t determine which is...
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Our Greatest Hits for December!
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from December. Whether you’re a new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management...
Getting Certified in Google Adwords, Yahoo! and MSN AdCenter
The team here at Hanapin Marketing has recently become a certified company in Google Adwords, Yahoo! and MSN AdCenter. In this post I’ve listed the top three search engines and how to become a certified individual or company. I’ve included...
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7 Ways to Be Sure You’re Writing the Best Ads Possible
Over the past week we’ve discussed five ways to write better ad texts to increase traffic to your site and target the right customers. You may notice that writing the best ad text possible can be quite overwhelming! To make...
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You Will Never Write the Perfect Ad Text, but Here Are 2 Ways To Keep Getting Closer
This week we have been exploring how to catch more clicks and conversions by writing better ad texts. Our tackle box has been filled the tools to help (just to name a few): Write benefit-driven ad text Use promotional offers...
How to Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion to Hook Customers
So far this week, we have discussed the best practices for writing great PPC ad texts. The ideas presented have thus far focused on writing techniques, not necessarily search engine provided tools. However, today I’d like to discuss one of...
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PPC News Roundup for December 19, 2007
Previously in MSN’s adCenter, you had to control your spending through a monthly budget. With a recent set of updates, it is now possible to set both a daily and maximum monthly budget. Thank you MSN! The PPC Blog provided...
Catch the BEST Leads, Not the MOST Leads by Using Qualifiers in Your Ad Text
In our 6 day series, Catch More Clicks and Conversions with Better Ad Text: Use the Right Lures! We’ll talk about everything there is to know about writing great ad text. ‘Catch the Best Leads, Not the Most leads is...
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Increase Your Click-Through Rate with Tasty Promo Offers and Calls-to-Action
Every day this week we are writing about how to improve your PPC account’s ad texts! Yesterday we discussed writing benefit driven ads to lure customers to your site. So today, I’m going to take your ad writing skills to...
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The Benefits of Using Benefit-Driven Ad Texts: What’s in Your Tackle Box?
Let us not forget the fundamental root of search engine marketing: search. The term ‘search’ also comprises these terms: query, hunt, seek, look for, ferret, chase, rummage. Users rummage through search query results looking for a service, a product, a...
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Catch More Clicks and Conversions with Better Ad Text: Use the Right Lures!
Our quest to make better PPC accounts for everyone continues! In our previous series we have expanded your view on the AdWords Quality Score, and we have revitalized and re-invigorated your PPC campaign in 5 days. This time around we...
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