The survey results I posted on Monday ranked the importance of 12 AdWords Quality Score attributes. At the top of the survey rankings were click-through rate, ad text/keyword relevance, historical performance and landing page keyword relevance. Search relevancy is the...
PPC News Roundup for August 1, 2007
The AdWords blog announced the introduction of an automated campaign optimizer tool. According to the announcement, the tool is capable of scanning your account and pointing out problems from budgetary concerns, keyword issues (bid, match type, new keywords, etc.) and...
Don’t Let Your Google AdWords Ads Get Turned Off…
There are two different ways one can pay for clicks in AdWords when setting up an account. One is to pre-pay and the other is to post-pay. But which is better? Here are their definitions: Post-pay allows you to pay...
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AdWords Quality Score Survey Results Are In
Our first survey was a success! First, we’d like to thank all 43 respondents for their participation. Below are the results of the survey. Tomorrow I will post an analysis of the survey results; and on Thursday I will post...
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Interview with Kevin Gibbons, SEOptimize
Kevin Gibbons is currently the Director of Search at SEOptimize, who provides search engine optimization and pay-per-click management services to a wide range of clients mainly based within the UK. Kevin has become a very well known and expert blogger...
PPC News Roundup for July 25, 2007
Microsoft takes another step in challenging Google with their new ‘Gatineau Analytics’ Package. There’s not too much of a difference between the two analytics packages except that MSN will provide demographics data like the gender and age of people who...
Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Click Fraud
Check out PPC Hero’s Ultimate Guide to How to Detect Click Fraud What is the difference between click fraud or invalid clicks? After reading this expose’, it is my hope that you will walk away (browse away?) with a better understanding...
Give Us Your Two Cents on the Google AdWords Quality Score
This is a quick Thank You to everyone who has filled out our Google AdWords Quality Score Survey – and this is a gentle reminder to those of you haven’t done so yet! The survey is looking to determine how...
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Blog Tipping: The Next Big Thing
All of us here at PPC Hero are consistently looking for ways to improve ourselves. This need for betterment comes in a myriad of flavors: writing, PPC management, blog management and all of the behind the scenes SEO work, too....
Top 5 Settings to Check When Starting a Yahoo! Search Marketing Account
Two weeks ago I wrote about the most important settings to check when starting up an AdWords account. This week I’ll be detailing some of the ins and outs of the Yahoo! Search Marketing interface (YSM or Panama). I should...
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PPC News Roundup for July 19, 2007
An article on adwords unexpected match types talks about how your ads could be coming up for completely irrelevant search terms. The cause of this is Google Adwords broad match, which is now being called by some, Google expanded broad...
Google AdWords Quality Score Survey
After doing some sleuthing into Google’s AdWords quality score, we’d like to ask for your opinion on the matter! We created a list of the 12 most influential attributes of Google’s quality score and this survey asks for your opinion...