In April I posted about the impending truncation of Yahoo! ad texts: well, the time is nigh. Ad texts that are over 70 characters in length will be truncated when displayed within Yahoo!’s SERP. Here is a visual example of...
YSM’s Quirky Little Feature, Optimize Ad Display
It is a difficult task to try and deny the progress Yahoo!’s Panama interface has made from the Overture days of the not-so-distant past. As a matter of fact, it simply may be impossible. In the months since its launch,...
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PPC News Roundup for June 27, 2007
A post on Seroundtable talks about a company whose offering services to damage your competitors search engine rankings and protect your own…is this for real?! We know that search is a complex beast, but we keep learning just how complex...
6 Ways to Increase Your PPC Traffic
Whether your goals are to drive sales, leads or sign-ups, increasing traffic to your site is one action you can take to get closer to your goals. Below I’ve described six ways I was able to increase traffic for my...
One Small Step for adCenter
MSN announced this afternoon that on Saturday, June 23 adCenter will undergo an upgrade that will allow you to manage your negative keywords at the campaign level. Currently you can insert negative keywords at the account level which means these...
PPC News Roundup for June 20, 2007
Often the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you predict will occur, says on Landing Page Best Practices. Free commercial ad server for publishers, what? A post mentioned that Exponential announced today a free commercial ad server for publishers, claiming...
Cross-Channel Tracking Explained
We all know that the majority of searches and subsequent PPC traffic derives from the big boys, Google and Yahoo!. For the most part we also know that it can make a great deal of sense to utilize MSN and...
How to Set Up Your Account
Last Friday I posted 7 reasons why retailers should advertise on Today I’d like to go into a little more in detail and show you how to set up your account. As previously mentioned in my last blog,...
To Optimize, or Not To Optimize
There has been some discussion over at Small Business SEM regarding an offer for an automated campaign optimization from Google. I give can give Matt some feedback on this as we have had a handful of clients optimized by our...
Google’s Search Query Performance
Last week Google unveiled yet another exciting reporting function for AdWords: Search Query Performance. This report provides the actual search queries that triggered ads (and received clicks) on the Google network. Advertisers can break the information down with the usual...
7 Reasons Why Retailers Should Advertise with
There’s so much talk in the PPC world about Google, Yahoo!, MSN etc. But what about Shopzilla, Bizrate and Price Grabber? These are just three shopping comparison sites among the many out there. Advertising on one of these sites, preferably...
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PPC News Roundup for June 13, 2007
There is an awful lot of chatter about Ask. Regardless if their search alterations are generating better results, the certainly are causing a stir in the blogosphere. Ask is touting their new morph and in-line search functions. SE Round Table...