An interesting question/issue has been posted over at WebmasterWorld: On the 16th of May, I noticed that most of the websites that were in the first page rankings in Google USA, had been dropped to second and third page positions....
Follow Up on Preferred Cost Bidding Test
As a follow up to my preferred cost bidding blog a few weeks ago, I’m here to share my results after testing for two weeks. Although my cost-per-click has remained nearly the same, my click-through rates and average ad positions...
PPC News Roundup for May 18, 2007
Wondering what that new column ‘Assists’ means in Yahoo? Here it from the horses mouth! MSN has been releasing some handy tools as of late for easier account management. I haven’t had a chance to use them yet, but I’m...
PPC News Roundup for May 16, 2007
Daniel Tynski talks about common mistakes one can make in SEO & SEM. Search Engine Guide presents a list from Wordtracker of the top 500 search terms in the past 48 hours. John Miller from Search Engine Land discusses ways...
Display & Destination URLs: Make sure they are fraternal twins
We’ve recently been asked a question regarding ad URLs: “Hi, I’ve been using Google Adwords and MSN Adcenter for a while and have decided to have a look at yahoos PPC offering, now all seems ok, except it doesn’t seem...
Continue Reading Display & Destination URLs: Make sure they are fraternal twins
Peeling Back The Layers of Google’s Pay-Per-Action Beta Test
This past week I finally jumped on the Pay-Per-Action (PPA) bandwagon and started a campaign for one of my clients. Despite having read through the official documentation and a very helpful step-by-step guide to setting up campaigns, once I actually...
Continue Reading Peeling Back The Layers of Google’s Pay-Per-Action Beta Test
What to Learn from Your Competition
“You don’t have to go to the dark side and cut your competitor’s phone lines or go into a bathroom and write, “For a good time, call [insert competitor’s CEO’s name here].” But if you believe you’re Luke Skywalker and...
PPC News Roundup for May 8, 2007
A Look into adCenter’s Quality Score Rankings The Psychology of Search: Understanding the psychology behind the search process makes us better advertisers and SEOs. A close look at AdWords’ four bidding option at Search Engine Land. This is a very...
5 Reasons Why I (we) Blog
We’ve been tagged by PPC Blog. Instead of having John, Amber and myself post 5 reasons why we each blog I thought I’d write 5 reasons why we blog as a collective: We saw an opportunity to dig into the...
PPC News Roundup for May 4, 2007
In yet another rally cry against a-typical landing pages, this post praises the use of more conversion paths. Google AdWords interface nearly slowed to a halt yesterday with many advertisers experiencing serious delays in account management. Jeeves is dead. Long...
Preferred Cost Bidding; Results are In (Almost)
There has been much chatter in the SEM blogosphere about the new Adwords feature called “preferred cost bidding,” but no one has actually put it to the test to see how well it works. (Here is a post on
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PPC News Roundup for May 1, 2007
The ability to track both clicks and calls is an important process when search clicks don’t immediately convert into sales leads. According to a forum thread, AdWords advertisers are seeing a new Negative Keywords tab within the keyword tool. The...