Have you ever wondered how to increase your site speed or even considered that you need to increase your speed? Read here about the importance of site speed and how AMP pages can help!
3 Reasons to Run Responsive Display Ads + New Features
If you are late to the party or have been hesitant to test Responsive Display Ads, here are 3 reasons why every advertiser should give RDAs a try.
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Work Smarter, Not Harder, With Bing Ads Scripts
If you aren’t already using scripts to manage campaigns, then you need to take a serious look. In case you’re unfamiliar with them, scripts—i.e., snippets of JavaScript—are part of the Google Ads and Bing Ads search interfaces and allow you...
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How to Explain to Your Boss Why You Should Be Attending Conferences
Nothing replaces a face-to-face interaction. Nothing. Something that we hear often from people wanting to attend Hero Conf, is that they don’t know how to justify the costs to their boss or make a convincing argument on why they should...
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Excel & Google Sheets Chart Resources That Will Make Your Life Easier
Here are a few tips and tricks for Excel and Google Sheets that may help you better display your data using charts or even just save you time.
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PPC Newsflash: The End of Average Position
Don't freak out yet about the end of average position.
How We Increased Conversion Rate by 24% Through Campaign Match Type Segmentation
Deciding whether or not you should segment campaigns by match type can be daunting. Get tips on when it's worth segmenting your account and what results can be expected once you gain control over spend per targeted match type!
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How to Hire the Right Paid Media Professional for Your Business
Going through the hiring process is hard enough for traditional advertising fields. Getting the right candidate is crucial and can make or break entire departments. The process is even more difficult for a rapidly evolving and growing field like paid...
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Google Is Getting Rid Of Average Position!
Google just announced the end of average position. Find out why there is no reason to panic and what our predictions are for what will happen next.
Starting Your Digital Journey As A Small Business
There's a huge discrepancy in the value many small business owners place on digital presence and marketing compared to the known value digital provides.
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Excel Tips for the Time-Crunched Marketer
Let’s spend less time and gain more results. Who’s with us?
Who Owns Your PPC Ads Account?
As an agency, we run into situations all the times where we have to rebuild the client's account because the previous agency is unable or unwilling to release their account. If your account is currently being managed by an agency or...