PPCBlog has an informative article on the integration of Search Query Reports into the Search campaigns Keywords tab. The changes will simplify the process of adding negative keywords and site placements to your campaigns. It may take some getting used to, but you will now be able to improve campaign targeting faster than ever before!
If you are looking to find a good way to start your advertising on the content network, a good way to do so is to find out the top ranking blog and news sites on Google. According to Kevin Burns, the top five sites for contextual advertising are Weather.com, CNN.com, NYTImes.com, HuffingtonPost.com, and FoxNews.com. All five of these sites generate a massive amount of traffic, and depending on your target market, these sites offer both sides of any demographic spectrum. So give contextual advertising a try—the upside is enormous.
In continuing the recent PPC Roundups trend, we’ve got another great article about the Yahoo/Microsoft transition. George Michie points out some possibilities for traffic value and how this change will affect them. The article provides a good outline for developing your bid strategy for the merge.