- Eric Enge from Search Engine Watch talks about just how important landing page optimization is for search engine marketers in terms of increasing revenue. A few steps into optimizing your landing page is to think back to when you originally designed your site; did you design the site for what you wanted it to do or how customers would use it? Go back and re-think how customers use your site and make appropriate modifications.
- Not able to target your Spanish speaking landing page or ads in Microsoft? A report on Search Engine Land says that when Joe Spector tried to upload his Spanish speaking landing page and ads Microsoft rejected them due to using a foreign language on the landing page. Apparently Joe was targeting the US with a Spanish speaking landing page, which Microsoft does not allow.
- Call me crazy, but I like Yahoo. There’s just something about that little billion dollar company that I find interesting. And, almost all of the PPC campaigns I have running with them are successful, which makes me like them even more. However, Greg over at SEM Geek is also beginning to warm up to Yahoo as well. Find out why! But joking aside, I know that AdWords is the dominant force in paid search but don’t neglect Yahoo.
- Paid Search 101 – from a hip hop perspective! Yep yep. A very thorough introduction to paid search advertising in less than 2 minutes, with a good beat, and rhyming. It’s hot!