So the Yahoo to Microsoft transition is now complete and moving your accounts was a piece of cake, right? If you are experiencing difficulties transitioning your accounts, you need to read Ricky Poole’s acCenter blog on troubleshooting campaign performance questions. Poole presents a list of four of the more common adCenter issues and his solution to each. He also provides links to other articles that may aid in troubleshooting these issues. Hopefully this post will help answer some of your questions about campaign performance problems and get your accounts running smoothly in adCenter.
As part of their campaign to allow image ads to be a part of image search, Google is now allowing leaderboard ads to be in on the fun as well. Since July, as part of Google Images redesign, Google has been allowing users to search image ads much like how people do image search. Leaderboard ads have not been included until now. To clarify, a leaderboard ad is 728 x 90. As of now, image ad search is responsible for only a fraction of search queries per day, but Google hopes to have this expand with more advancements like this one.
What’s better than one lead? Two leads. Or three, or four… The point is, while directing viewers to your site and then getting them to convert is an achievement, stopping there is missing out on a huge opportunity for growth. To combat one-time-users, PeterD of PPCBlog recommends that advertisers think of ways to promote continuity plans within their PPC campaigns. Whether these take the form of explicit plans, like subscriptions and memberships, or whether it’s by creating an irresistible buying atmosphere through customer service and nicely-framed promoted advantages over competitors, keeping audiences coming back for more will give you the client-base you’re looking for.
Looking for a simple way to improve your leads and sales? Don’t forget to split test! Whether you have an ad with a pretty decent CTR or one that could really use an overhaul, the process of split testing every aspect of your ads could help you see a pick-up in clicks, thus, more potential leads. Jennifer Horowitz mentions on Search Engine Journal that many folks tend to overlook this method in favor of only focusing on their current top performing ads. By making tiny changes, one at a time, you’ll start to see improvements in your results.
As PPC marketers it’s crucial that we keep up with the ever-changing landscape of technology. And it is ever-changing! It seems like something new is always rolling out. For instance, Microsoft just launched the MSN Money Stocks app, two apps for MSNBC News and the celebrity app, “Wonderwall” (sorry Oasis). Jamie Wells explains in his adCenter post this week that more and more users are favoring mobile as their device class of choice. He provides some great statistics on user behavior and how you can leverage these insights to expand your audience reach and engagement.