This month Andrew Lolk of White Shark Media joins PPC Hero as a guest blogger to discuss his personal tips for optimizing a PPC account within the first month. This is part 2, for part 1 see here. -------------------------------------------------- This is a three-part series that helps you identify the areas of optimization during the first month of your Google AdWords … [Read more...] about The Beginner’s Checklist of What To Do in the First Month of Your AdWords Optimization: Part 2
Search Results for: PPC
Yahoo! to Start Partnering with Google on Contextual Targeting
Man, it's been a crazy week in PPC. And it keeps getting crazier. Yesterday Yahoo! announced that they're adding Google as an ad partner for contextually targeted ads on the display network. They say that they agreement is "global" and "non-exclusive" and that it includes placements on "various Yahoo! properties" along with "certain co-branded sites." According to the Wall … [Read more...] about Yahoo! to Start Partnering with Google on Contextual Targeting
Google To Force You To Go Mobile With Enhanced Campaigns
So for those of you in PPC land who were stuck under a rock for the past 24 hours – Google announced their exciting new ‘Enhanced Campaigns’. The main idea seems to be two-fold. On the one hand, make things easier to manage – fewer campaigns to work with, but on the other, more money for Google as more advertisers use mobile. In fact, I wrote something back in October about … [Read more...] about Google To Force You To Go Mobile With Enhanced Campaigns
Ultimate Guide to Acronyms and Terminology is Now Live!
The world of PPC is loaded with jargon. Coping with the huge amount of acronyms and terms that sound a little bit like one another but mean completely different things (the display network and a display URL even have the same word in them, but they're SO different, you guys) can be a Herculean task. These terms are old hat to long time readers of PPC, but for those just … [Read more...] about Ultimate Guide to Acronyms and Terminology is Now Live!
Breaking the ‘Bad Conference’ Mold with Hero Conf
With our last early bird discount-pricing deadline ending this Friday (February 8th) the PPC Hero team wants to make sure you know all the facts about what to expect when it comes to attending Hero Conf! For those of you who have missed it, Hero Conf 2013 will be taking place in Austin, TX on April 8-10. It’s a 3-day event this year, up from 2 last year, and will include two … [Read more...] about Breaking the ‘Bad Conference’ Mold with Hero Conf
How to Match Your Queries and Your Keywords
A common request we hear from readers here in the PPC Hero office is "How can I easily match up which queries triggered which keyword?" Luckily for you, Google has been listening. They've made some recent improvements to the AdWords Interface that address this very problem. So how do you add this in to your own accounts? And what can you do with this information once it's … [Read more...] about How to Match Your Queries and Your Keywords
Measuring & Improving Lost Impression Share
With impression share reporting changing a bit this week, there’s no better time than now to revisit the ins and outs of the metric and how it works! Odds are pretty good that your PPC accounts are not reaching their entire potential audience, but how do you know how much you’re missing? More important than that, how do you increase the pool you’re reaching? The key here is … [Read more...] about Measuring & Improving Lost Impression Share
2 Display Tactics To Increase Sales Volume For Direct Response
Display is a big, scary ocean of impressions. Like this: For an account that's measured on direct response, and probably ROAS: that's terrifying. How are you going to sail your way through the choppy waters and avoid Cthulhu monsters to find your conversions while maintaining ROAS? Here's three tactics for your Display efforts that will help! 1. Dynamic Display … [Read more...] about 2 Display Tactics To Increase Sales Volume For Direct Response
The Beginner’s Checklist of What To Do in the First Month of Your AdWords Optimization: Part 1
This month Andrew Lolk of White Shark Media joins PPC Hero as a guest blogger to discuss his personal tips for optimizing a PPC account within the first month. -------------------------------------------------- In this three-part series I will outline the routine we use for most of the AdWords accounts we manage in White Shark Media. The first part focuses on the first … [Read more...] about The Beginner’s Checklist of What To Do in the First Month of Your AdWords Optimization: Part 1
Keep Your (Ad’s) Promises!
If you sell lots of different stuff, and your ad prominently features one item -- even if that item is merely a stand-in for a whole category -- guess what prospective customers want to see after they click your ad and arrive at your landing page? The pictured item. Really. But more often than not, the very cool, funky, and unusual item pictured is no where to be found. … [Read more...] about Keep Your (Ad’s) Promises!
Facebook Ads Case Study – Education Space
I love Facebook Ads, and I like all my clients to at least give them a try at least once. Facebook Ads however only works for around 10-20% of our clients. It REALLY only works for around 5% of all of our clients. But when it works, it works really well. In this Facebook Ads case study I will walk you through how I'm promoting Facebook Ads and sponsored posts and it's … [Read more...] about Facebook Ads Case Study – Education Space
Facebook Ads: What’s Your Angle of Approach?
Does anyone remember the DeBeers Right Hand Ring campaign from like, 10 years ago? Instead of continuously pitching diamonds for engagement rings, DeBeers thought they’d try another angle of approach for their product: why not pitch the “I bought it for myself to celebrate my independence and success“ aspect of diamond rings? So they did, and the results were … [Read more...] about Facebook Ads: What’s Your Angle of Approach?