When Does Quality Score Matter? A few months ago I wrote a post on why you shouldn’t optimize for Quality Score. A few weeks ago I spoke at SMX East on the best ways to optimize for Quality Score in an existing, long running account. I apologized at SMX for changing course and now I am going to change again. What’s the reason for this QS-bipolarism? I didn’t know until I … [Read more...] about When Does Quality Score Matter?
Search Results for: PPC
The Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Landing Page Clinic with Joe Kerschbaum – Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
Our next Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcript is from Joseph Kerschbaum who spoke on everything landing pages in a talk entitled, "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Landing Page Clinic." Don’t forget we will be posting our transcripts from last year periodically through out the coming months. Feel free to reminisce or check out what you missed! If you’re more of a straight to the point kind of … [Read more...] about The Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Landing Page Clinic with Joe Kerschbaum – Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
Thank you for contacting us. A member of our team will be in touch with you soon. - PPC Hero Team … [Read more...] about Contact
Ultimate Guide to AdWords Remarketing
Remarketing is a powerful tool on the Google Display Network. We've just posted our ultimate guide to remarketing. It not only helps with the basics, it also talks about messaging and experimentation that allows you to get the most out of your remarketing campaigns. Head on over to our guides page to read our newest guide! … [Read more...] about Ultimate Guide to AdWords Remarketing
Melissa Mackey On Managing Large Budgets Without Losing Your Mind – Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
Our next Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcript is from Melissa Mackey, where she talks about Managing Large Budgets. Don’t forget we will be posting our transcripts from last year periodically through out the coming months. Feel free to reminisce or check out what you missed! If you’re more of a straight to the point kind of person and want access to our full 339 page transcript … [Read more...] about Melissa Mackey On Managing Large Budgets Without Losing Your Mind – Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
Pricing On Ads Isn’t Always Premature
In sales, one of the dreaded questions is the “premature” pricing question, where the prospect asks “how much” before the salesperson has adequately “built up value.” Of course, the question is only premature from the point of view of the salesperson. To the prospective customer, price is necessary to decide whether or not to waste any time entertaining the salesperson’s … [Read more...] about Pricing On Ads Isn’t Always Premature
10 Ways to Decrease Your Display Network CPA
The Display network is a beast. This is just a fact. An even truer fact is that Display will run away with your budget and CPA if you let it. We had a recent request at PPC Hero for some ideas on how to decrease CPA in the Display network, and I figured…let’s just cover some basics that may be getting missed in a panic, as well as a few in-depth options. And I mean, why not … [Read more...] about 10 Ways to Decrease Your Display Network CPA
The 5 W’s of AdWords Ad Extensions – Part II
The five W’s return… I’m sure some of you may remember these from grade school as who, what, when, where and why. Together, they create the basic formula for getting the complete story on a particular subject. If you were following along earlier this month, we’ve already covered 4 of the different types of extensions that AdWords has to offer in Part I. For the purpose of Part … [Read more...] about The 5 W’s of AdWords Ad Extensions – Part II
Hero Conf Speakers
Over the past couple weeks we have experience some issues with our speaker pitch form on heroconf.com. If you did not receive a confirmation email from us this morning and have submitted the form, please resubmit. You should receive a confirmation page and email upon completing the form. If you experience any further issues, please contact marketing@hanapinmarketing.com While … [Read more...] about Hero Conf Speakers
That Query Has Been Named!
After receiving dozens of responses, we have a winner for Name That Query! How do I ace my interview for hay bailing? Do I write a resume, or do I buy a suit? Congratulations to Gil Hong for his winning submission! While many people got hay bailing in their guesses, and a smaller percentage included the word “resumé,” Gil was the only one to use all three of those … [Read more...] about That Query Has Been Named!
Updated Hero Conf 2013 Speaker List!
We’ve added some more amazing names to our 2013 Hero Conf speaker line-up! Check out the updated speaker list below. Don’t forget to register at heroconf.com. We look forward to seeing you there! ____________________________ Andrew Goodman - Founder and President of Page Zero Media | Follow on Twitter @andrew_goodman Bryan Eisenberg - Marketing Optimization expert, keynote … [Read more...] about Updated Hero Conf 2013 Speaker List!
Retargeting with Joanna Lord — Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
The Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcripts are here! We will be posting our transcripts from last year periodically through out the coming months. Feel free to reminisce or check out what you missed! If you're more of a straight to the point kind of person and want access to our full 339 page transcript guide, all you need to do is sign up for our Hero Conf Alerts and you will get … [Read more...] about Retargeting with Joanna Lord — Hero Conf 2012 Transcript