These days you can read about Pay-Per-Click strategies all over the web. There is much talk about what to do and what not to do. While certain strategies may work for some, they may not work for others. What’s important is that you take in what other’s are saying but ultimately you should test different strategies on your own to see if they work for you. Below are 5 … [Read more...] about 5 Pay-Per-Click Myths You Shouldn’t Believe
Search Results for: PPC
If You Don’t Check Your Yahoo! Minimum Bids Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later
Last Thursday and Friday, Yahoo! Search Marketing rolled out their new pricing structure. The gist of this update is that minimum bid prices will no longer be fixed at $0.10 and will instead be based on quality factors (similar to Google's Quality Score). From a big picture view, this seems like a logical progression for YSM. However, many advertisers have expressed … [Read more...] about If You Don’t Check Your Yahoo! Minimum Bids Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later
Are You Hurting Your Keywords’ Performance? Without a Great Account Structure You Just Might Be!
Now that you’ve completed your keyword research it’s time to put all of your hard work together into one very relevant and targeted pay-per-click account. As the last post in our series on keyword research, one must know that great keyword research is a critical part in starting up a new pay-per-click campaign, but how you group and organize all those keywords can be even … [Read more...] about Are You Hurting Your Keywords’ Performance? Without a Great Account Structure You Just Might Be!
Do You Only Use Broad Match? Jump Start Your ROI by Utilizing Match Types and Negative Keywords
This just in! You've happened upon day 4 of our week-long series on keyword research! Alright, on to the important stuff now. This post is almost a retrospective on a slew of PPC mistakes I've made as an advertiser and a bright red flag in the face for broad match neophytes. Let me ask you a question: Do you only use broad match? If so, chances are you're bleeding money … [Read more...] about Do You Only Use Broad Match? Jump Start Your ROI by Utilizing Match Types and Negative Keywords
Need More Traffic? Stop thinking so hard and review your website for new keywords
This week we are discussing how to build a great keyword research strategy. On Monday, John showed us how to layout a clear strategy before you even look up your first keyword. Once you have your strategy in place, Amber revealed six free keyword tools that will help you expand your list. After you have laid the strategy ground work, expanded your keyword list with every … [Read more...] about Need More Traffic? Stop thinking so hard and review your website for new keywords
Expand Your Keyword List For Free: 6 Keyword Tools You Should Be Using (but probably aren’t).
As part 2 of our keyword research blog series, I’d like to dive right into the topic of free keyword research tools. One of the first things I think of when someone says keyword research is all the free keyword research tools that are available. From the number of searches, to the number of potential clicks per month, clicks per day, to average cost-per-click and ad position, … [Read more...] about Expand Your Keyword List For Free: 6 Keyword Tools You Should Be Using (but probably aren’t).
Why You Are Selling Your Keyword Research Short Because You Have a Poor Research Strategy
Welcome to day one of our week-long series on keyword research! Let me sum up the theme of our series: Keyword research is the foundation upon which you build your search marketing campaigns. Yes, I know, that's the most obvious statement ever. Regardless, I'm going to keep banging away at this great analogy! What do you need to build anything from a dog house to a great … [Read more...] about Why You Are Selling Your Keyword Research Short Because You Have a Poor Research Strategy
Google Analytics Benchmarking Beta Results
About two weeks ago I wrote on the new Google Adwords Benchmarking beta for select advertisers. For a quick recap, the new benchmarking beta involves sharing your Google Analytics data with Google so that they can compare your website metrics against other similar websites. The purpose is to compare your stats with other related companies to see how you measure up. Perhaps … [Read more...] about Google Analytics Benchmarking Beta Results
The Secret of Tracking Yahoo! Keyword Data in Google Analytics
Pay-per-click marketing and web analytics – they go together like peas and carrots. Why you ask? Because the reports provided by the PPC search engines aren't always enough! Services like Google Analytics provide advertisers with a wealth of knowledge for fine-tuning and perfecting their paid-search campaigns. This includes data like bounce rate, time on site or goal funnel … [Read more...] about The Secret of Tracking Yahoo! Keyword Data in Google Analytics
“Demystify Pay-per-Click!” Check Out My Podcast on
Recently I was interviewed by Jay Ehret from; His blog is and they mainly focus on internet marketing for small businesses. This is the first time I've been interviewed in regards to pay-per-click advertising and it was a lot of fun talking to Jay and helping educate people on how effective pay-per-click advertising can be for … [Read more...] about “Demystify Pay-per-Click!” Check Out My Podcast on
Our Greatest Hits for March!
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from March. Whether you’re a new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! The search query report in Google Adwords is a fairly new report that has several great uses. In this … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for March!
Is Your Geo-Targeting Set Properly in MSN adCenter? Find Out!
Sometimes there are small nuances of account set-up and management that need to be discussed. Today, I will focus on a small campaign setting in a small search engine (comparatively speaking to Google), but this tid bit of information can severely affect a campaign's performance. Setting your geo-targeting within MSN adCenter isn't difficult, but it can be tricky and here's … [Read more...] about Is Your Geo-Targeting Set Properly in MSN adCenter? Find Out!