When looking for better ways to manage pay-per-click accounts, interviewing PPC experts for their tips and advice almost always seems to help. Brent Sharp who blogs on PPC and SEO management from SEOSpeedwagon was nice enough to share this thoughts, opinions, tips and advice with us on the world of PPC and SEO. Brent works for Intrapromote, a company based out of Cleveland … [Read more...] about SEOSpeedwagon Interview on Pay-Per-Click Tips, Tricks, and Advice
Search Results for: PPC
$1,000 Cash Giveaway from Douglas Karr!
Douglas Karr is celebrating some very impressive milestones for his blog! In honor of reaching 1,000 posts, over 1,000 daily unique visitors and over 1,000 RSS subscribers Douglas is giving away $1,000! Hanapin Marketing (and the PPC Hero Team) is proud to be a sponsor for the contest. The contest is running from today (Sunday, Nov. 11) through November 25th. Get details on … [Read more...] about $1,000 Cash Giveaway from Douglas Karr!
How To Launch a New Keyword: Hit the Ground Running!
When you load new keywords into your campaign, what is your initial bidding strategy? There has been some recent discussion on the best practices for setting bids on brand new keywords and I thought I'd throw in my two cents. If you want to quickly determine the keywords that will best enhance your PPC efforts, I suggest hitting the ground running, rather than limping. There … [Read more...] about How To Launch a New Keyword: Hit the Ground Running!
5 Things to Consider When Inheriting a Google AdWords Account
If you're a professional SEM, chances are you've inherited your fair share of pay-per-click accounts from clients seeking a helping hand. Taking on these clients who have tried their hand at PPC and failed can be a great opportunity for you to prove the value of your services. The downside, however, is that these accounts are undoubtedly in shambles. When you add the wild … [Read more...] about 5 Things to Consider When Inheriting a Google AdWords Account
Just In Case You Missed It…
Below I have gathered PPC Hero's four most visited and hopefully most valuable blog posts from October. Whether you're a brand new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful tips involving the world of Pay-Per-Click. Enjoy! Google’s Quality Score has done many things for the world of PPC, but in this post we explain how it has … [Read more...] about Just In Case You Missed It…
Don’t Let Yahoo Hurt Your Campaign! Learn 2 Weak Spots In Their Optimizations
Over the past six months I have been putting a lot of time and effort into building a keyword list for a client. This client operates within a niche market and is geo-targeted tightly to a specific metro area. One day I began conducting additional keyword research and suddenly realized that I wasn't sure in which direction to head. I had keyword block, much like writer's … [Read more...] about Don’t Let Yahoo Hurt Your Campaign! Learn 2 Weak Spots In Their Optimizations
Inside Google AdWords Quality Score: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know and More
Today is the official unveiling of our new handbook: Inside Google AdWords Quality Score (click on title to access the handbook). Throughout our drive for Quality Score knowledge we have gathered detailed information, quips from our AdWords representatives and revelations from real world PPC results. We decided to place all of that information into a single, cohesive … [Read more...] about Inside Google AdWords Quality Score: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know and More
Another Tool To Turn Your AdWords Campaign Into a Well-Oiled Machine
We write a lot about Google AdWords' Quality Score. There I said it. But as long as Google has the largest share of search traffic, AdWords will continue to be the main driver of the PPC industry and we'll continue to help turn your campaigns into well-oiled machines. As you know, at the heart of Adwords is the Quality Score. Google has left search engine marketers to their … [Read more...] about Another Tool To Turn Your AdWords Campaign Into a Well-Oiled Machine
Tips on Keyword Research from Wordtracker
Keyword research was among a few things I never really understood how to do when I first began PPC campaigns. I basically used the keyword tools in Google and Yahoo, dumped a bunch of keywords into my account, and later refined my lists, deleted poor keywords and raised bids on better performing keywords. It was a 'wait and see' strategy. This strategy wasn't really working … [Read more...] about Tips on Keyword Research from Wordtracker
In Google AdWords, Bidding Wars Are a Thing of the Past: Beat Your Competition with These 4 Tactics
All week we have focused on how to improve your Quality Score, how to recognize "myths" and important factoids that lead to a solid understanding of Quality Score. Today's post is the fifth and final post in our 5-day series, and it is the culmination of a week's worth of knowledge! In days gone by, PPC bidding wars were commonplace when trying to achieve top positions in … [Read more...] about In Google AdWords, Bidding Wars Are a Thing of the Past: Beat Your Competition with These 4 Tactics
2 Ways Account History Can Affect Your Quality Score
Today's topic is the fourth in a series of 5 blog posts focused on Quality Score. There has been some question as to how account history can affect your overall quality score. In a recent discussion with Google reps it was said that your account history doesn’t directly affect your quality score; however, they also insisted that your account history is incredibly important to … [Read more...] about 2 Ways Account History Can Affect Your Quality Score
Keywords Inactive Due to Quality Score in Google AdWords? Here are 3 Actions to Take!
Today's post on Inactive Keywords is the third blog post in our 5-day series focusing on Quality Score. Picture this: You arrive at work before the birds begin to chirp. Before you can be "bothered" by email, you log into AdWords and compulsively check your previous day's stats. Quickly thereafter, a discovery makes your jaw hit the floor. Those wonderful new keywords you … [Read more...] about Keywords Inactive Due to Quality Score in Google AdWords? Here are 3 Actions to Take!