I’ve spent quite a bit of time recently reflecting on how I’ve managed my accounts over the years. As I’ve gone through this process, I have discovered 12 things that lead to better performance and increased efficiency when done consistently. When I deviate from these 12 steps, performance tends to suffer and account (not to mention client relationships) get even more difficult … [Read more...] about The 12 Steps for PPC Management
Search Results for: PPC
What ‘Budget’ Means in PPC & Why You Should Divulge It to Prospective Agencies
In certain circles it can be considered rude to talk about money. It may not even matter the circle; there are plenty of circumstances where it’s either awkward or impolite to bring up matters of the all-mighty dollar no matter who you’re speaking with. Your paid search agency partnership is not one of those circles or circumstances. There. I said it! Don’t worry, I’m going … [Read more...] about What ‘Budget’ Means in PPC & Why You Should Divulge It to Prospective Agencies
5 Tips For Better PPC Lead Quality
Lead generation can be a tricky game when it comes to PPC. In eCommerce, someone purchases a product and revenue is immediately generated from that conversion or sale. When focusing on lead gen, the initial conversions can be deceiving because while you may generate 20 leads, maybe only 2 convert into revenue, sale or whatever your final action may be. Below are 5 tips that … [Read more...] about 5 Tips For Better PPC Lead Quality
3 Steps To Quickly Reduce PPC Spend with Minimal Conversion Loss
No matter your PPC budget it’s important to optimize your account so funds are being spent efficiently to bring in conversions. Even taking this approach, we’ve all been in the situation where clients need to cut spend dramatically. After explaining that conversion volume will drop with the decrease in spend, you need to come up with a game plan on how to spend less while … [Read more...] about 3 Steps To Quickly Reduce PPC Spend with Minimal Conversion Loss
Three Next-Level Strategies for Ecommerce PPC [Webinar Recording]
You've heard of the dozens of PPC tools at your disposal to target your customer at the perfect point in the buying cycle - are you ready to take your ecommerce plan to the next level? Are Google’s Shopping Campaigns and Dynamic advertising still uncharted territory for you? These new features increase your reach for optimizing bids and settings while making the overall search … [Read more...] about Three Next-Level Strategies for Ecommerce PPC [Webinar Recording]
Now Accepting PPC Hero Guest Bloggers
Hello PPC Heroes and Heroines! As we grow our writing team we are also looking for guest bloggers. If you’ve ever been interested in writing for PPC Hero now is your chance. These are the qualities we’re looking for in the ideal guest blogger: 1) You have a strong passion for PPC 2) You have unique perspectives on day-to-day PPC management activities 3) You are constantly … [Read more...] about Now Accepting PPC Hero Guest Bloggers
Excel PPC Heat Mapping 101
Spreadsheets are hard. For the uninitiated, diving in to an AdWords or Bing-generated Excel file can be an incredibly daunting task. With the number of potential rows and columns in play, you might have to dig through hundreds, thousands, or even millions of cells to find actionable insights in these reports. I mean, you can... but why would you want to? There's an easier way … [Read more...] about Excel PPC Heat Mapping 101
Quick Survey: What Are Your Biggest PPC Pain Points?
Take Our Quarter 2 Industry Report On PPC Pain Points Last year's State of the PPC Industry report was so popular, we decided to do it a little more often than once a year. From now on, we'll be providing quarterly surveys and updates on the PPC Industry. This quarter, the survey asks about PPC Pain Points. Take three minutes and let us know - What PPC Pain Points do you spend … [Read more...] about Quick Survey: What Are Your Biggest PPC Pain Points?
Growing the PPC Community
It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I announce I am now part of the Hanapin Marketing team! My new role is Senior Account Manager, Community. Along with managing accounts, my main priority is running PPC Hero and increasing its readership. I’ll also be spending more time continuing to foster the PPCChat community. As many of you know, I’ve been running PPCChat … [Read more...] about Growing the PPC Community
New Webinar with Google! Three Next-Level Strategies for Ecommerce PPC
You've heard of the dozens of PPC tools at your disposal to target your customer at the perfect point in the buying cycle - are you ready to take your ecommerce plan to the next level? Are Google’s Shopping Campaigns and Dynamic advertising still uncharted territory for you? These new features increase your reach for optimizing bids and settings while making the overall search … [Read more...] about New Webinar with Google! Three Next-Level Strategies for Ecommerce PPC
[Webinar Recording] Eight Things You Didn’t Know About PPC & SEO
PPC advertising (also known as "Paid Search" and "Pay Per Click") is when an advertiser is charged when a user clicks their ad (versus just showing the ad). SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about getting a website found and ranking high on search engine results pages. You're a digital advertiser...you already know this stuff right? Actually, there's probably quite a few … [Read more...] about [Webinar Recording] Eight Things You Didn’t Know About PPC & SEO
Are These 10 PPC Tactics On Your Radar?
In PPC, innovation is everything. Change is the only constant in this industry, and what worked for you yesterday may not work for you today. That means if you’re not trying new things– new tactics, new strategies, or new platforms – then you’re getting left behind. No one here wants to see that happen, so we’ve compiled a handy list of 10 PPC tactics you can employ to stay … [Read more...] about Are These 10 PPC Tactics On Your Radar?