Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing comprise approximately 82% of search traffic. Therefore, we focus approximately 82% of our articles toward these two search engines, logically. Today, I am going to take a diversion and discuss optimizing your advertisements for Before you can enhance your listings, you have to know your core audience. As the name … [Read more...] about Get More Business on How to optimize your campaign
Search Results for: account structure
PPC News Roundup for March 19, 2008
When it comes to successful paid search marketing, we can't emphasize account structure enough. A well-planned, calculated account structure will allow you to manage your campaigns faster & easier as there will be less clutter, and when your account is structured properly this will aid your quality score as well. Joy Brazelle at Serengeti Communication has written a good, … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for March 19, 2008
How to Use Long Tail Keywords to Target Searchers When They’re Ready to Buy
This week we've been walking many miles in our customer's searching shoes. We have learned how to write ads that answer your customer's questions; how to anticipate when your customers will be searching for your services; how to discover new keywords using reports and analytics; and how to use general terms to generate brand awareness. We have one more mile to walk! Today I am … [Read more...] about How to Use Long Tail Keywords to Target Searchers When They’re Ready to Buy
How to Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion to Hook Customers
So far this week, we have discussed the best practices for writing great PPC ad texts. The ideas presented have thus far focused on writing techniques, not necessarily search engine provided tools. However, today I'd like to discuss one of the most powerful tools provided to advertisers: Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI). DKI is a way to write your ad so that a user's actual … [Read more...] about How to Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion to Hook Customers
Quick Fixes to Some of PPC’s Most Common Problems: Part One
When you're first starting out in pay-per-click advertising, there is a tremendous learning curve. You have to discover the inner workings of 3 (sometimes more) different PPC advertising platforms. There is the trial and error of figuring out which tools and methods work for your particular account. And then there is learning how to react to the myriad of issues that can … [Read more...] about Quick Fixes to Some of PPC’s Most Common Problems: Part One
Just In Case You Missed It…
Below I have gathered PPC Hero's four most visited and hopefully most valuable blog posts from October. Whether you're a brand new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful tips involving the world of Pay-Per-Click. Enjoy! Google’s Quality Score has done many things for the world of PPC, but in this post we explain how it has … [Read more...] about Just In Case You Missed It…
Another Tool To Turn Your AdWords Campaign Into a Well-Oiled Machine
We write a lot about Google AdWords' Quality Score. There I said it. But as long as Google has the largest share of search traffic, AdWords will continue to be the main driver of the PPC industry and we'll continue to help turn your campaigns into well-oiled machines. As you know, at the heart of Adwords is the Quality Score. Google has left search engine marketers to their … [Read more...] about Another Tool To Turn Your AdWords Campaign Into a Well-Oiled Machine
In Google AdWords, Bidding Wars Are a Thing of the Past: Beat Your Competition with These 4 Tactics
All week we have focused on how to improve your Quality Score, how to recognize "myths" and important factoids that lead to a solid understanding of Quality Score. Today's post is the fifth and final post in our 5-day series, and it is the culmination of a week's worth of knowledge! In days gone by, PPC bidding wars were commonplace when trying to achieve top positions in … [Read more...] about In Google AdWords, Bidding Wars Are a Thing of the Past: Beat Your Competition with These 4 Tactics
PPC News Roundup for October 3, 2007
Jeremy Mays over at PPC Discussions is finally putting Adwords Campaign Optimizer versus a manual campaign optimization to the test. He has given his first few days stats which aren’t favoring the automatic campaign optimizer. So far, conversions are down, costs are up. Ross Dunn from Search Engine Guide gives tips on how to perform PPC keyword research before … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for October 3, 2007
How to Shorten Your PPC Ad Texts
In April I posted about the impending truncation of Yahoo! ad texts: well, the time is nigh. Ad texts that are over 70 characters in length will be truncated when displayed within Yahoo!'s SERP. Here is a visual example of how your ad will be effected by this ad delivery alteration (borrowed from the YSM blog): Consumers have countless reasons not to click on your ad, and … [Read more...] about How to Shorten Your PPC Ad Texts
To Optimize, or Not To Optimize
There has been some discussion over at Small Business SEM regarding an offer for an automated campaign optimization from Google. I give can give Matt some feedback on this as we have had a handful of clients optimized by our AdWords representatives. Our official stance on optimizations is this: similar tactics are employed for each optimization (so they are not very … [Read more...] about To Optimize, or Not To Optimize
The Most Important Element of Your AdWords Campaign
Jeremy Mayes over at PPC Discussions asks, "In your mind, what is the most important element of an AdWords campaign?" This is a very interesting question, and I like the car analogy he uses (see his original post); however, I disagree: my radio is not critical to my car’s functionality but it is essential to my sanity (I am a music geek, and I hate driving, so I NEED … [Read more...] about The Most Important Element of Your AdWords Campaign