For the longest time, I and the PPC industry as a whole, have defaulted and still in a lot of circumstances still default to a Google Paid Search first strategy. Google Ads is still the number 1 platform, and is still required in any digital marketing strategy. It can produce great results, but in some industries that have more obscure keywords and when higher results are … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons I Prefer Facebook Ads over Google Ads
Search Results for: call to action
How an EU Commission Ruling Can Mean 20 Percent Lower CPCs for Your Google Shopping Accounts
This post is shared with you from Stefan Stopper, Account Strategist at Smarter Ecommerce (@smec), and speaker at Hero Conf London. In June 2017, the EU Commission sentenced Google to pay a fine of 2.4 billion euros. Now, up to 5% of Google’s daily revenue is at stake if they fail to make their Google Shopping channel more competitive. Google is taking aggressive measures to … [Read more...] about How an EU Commission Ruling Can Mean 20 Percent Lower CPCs for Your Google Shopping Accounts
Top Tips for Building Your Digital Marketing Team
Spoiler alert – I’ll be sharing how to hire, train, and retain your team at my Hero Conf London session: Building Your Team Shouldn’t Be a Side Project. Tickets are sold out for this event, but you can grab your pass for our Philadelphia event next April today! Where has all the talent gone?! While hiring is only one part of building your team, hiring the right candidates to … [Read more...] about Top Tips for Building Your Digital Marketing Team
New Interface, New Syntax: Automating Rules in Google Ads
As every digital advertiser should know by now, AdWords has officially rebranded to Google Ads. Whether you are pro-change or anti-change with Google’s advertising services, there is one certainty - You have to change regardless. That in mind, there have been a ton of updates recently with name changes, new offerings, shuffled offerings, the completely new UI, and the list goes … [Read more...] about New Interface, New Syntax: Automating Rules in Google Ads
Moving Pieces: Thinking About PPC Strategy
Strategy. What is your strategy? As an agency, our team responds to that very question on a daily basis. How do we respond? I remember my very first week working at Hanapin Marketing. I was working in a REDBOP group (for information on what REDBOP is, see “super awesome opportunity” in the dictionary and you will find information on Hanapin's monthly PPC training program) and … [Read more...] about Moving Pieces: Thinking About PPC Strategy
Tracking UAC Performance Through Third-Party App Analytics
Since Universal App Campaigns are highly automated, their success relies on using download and in-app behavior data. Below is a general guide to link and import app downloads and in-app events in Google Ads through third-party app analytics providers. This process may vary depending on which app provider is being used and its capability to send information to the Google Ads … [Read more...] about Tracking UAC Performance Through Third-Party App Analytics
How We Gained $21,000 More in Revenue by Changing One Color
Do you cringe when someone says, “button color?” Do you automatically shut down when a test is recommended to you that seems like just a minor change? Today I want to encourage you to shift your mindset. What may seem like a “minor” change to you may bring $21,000 more in revenue to your company. Now it doesn’t seem so “minor,” does it? You may hesitate testing something as … [Read more...] about How We Gained $21,000 More in Revenue by Changing One Color
AdWords Global Site Tag Implementation Guide
AdWords introduced their new site-wide tagging back in October 2017. Like Bing’s Universal Event Tracking, the new AdWords site-wide tagging uses one tag on the entire site with additional event snippets to track conversion actions. The global site tag (gtag.js) will also be used for Google Analytics in the future. There will no longer be a need to use separate AdWords and … [Read more...] about AdWords Global Site Tag Implementation Guide
The Top 4 Google Ad Format Updates: Less Transparent Reports and More Options than Ever Before
In this industry, if you blink you might miss something important. And it has never been more the case than with the rollout of various new ad formats and ad reports (or the quiet closing down of formats you may have found useful in the past, with the launch of Google Ad's new UI.) Quarter 2-3 of 2018 has felt, to me, like an avalanche of such changes rolling down the hill. … [Read more...] about The Top 4 Google Ad Format Updates: Less Transparent Reports and More Options than Ever Before
All The Bing Ads Tracking Updates You Need To Know In One Place
One of the most important aspects of managing an account is making sure tracking is implemented and set up correctly. The data that conversion tracking and final URLs bring in, is a crucial part of the steps you take to further optimize your paid search efforts. Let’s go through two important tracking changes and updates happening in Bing Ads. First, starting October 31st, … [Read more...] about All The Bing Ads Tracking Updates You Need To Know In One Place
High CTR? Low Conversion Volume? Where’s The PPC Disconnect?
Dear Reader, Welcome to the wondrous world of PPC advertising, where digital marketers play the game of persuading potential customers to click on paid ads, and ultimately ‘convert’ in some meaningful way. Conversions come in many different shapes and sizes. A conversion could be something as simple as a customer signing up for your newsletter, a free trial of your product or … [Read more...] about High CTR? Low Conversion Volume? Where’s The PPC Disconnect?
In-Market Audiences: Bing’s Latest Targeting Feature
Bing Ads recently released a new intent based audience targeting for search campaigns called in-market audiences. These new in-market audiences are designed to allow advertisers to target users that Bing determines are ready to make a purchase. Bing Ads’ in-market audiences are now available for search campaigns in the U.S. market. What are they? Bing Ads’ in-market audiences … [Read more...] about In-Market Audiences: Bing’s Latest Targeting Feature