So, you’ve got yourself all set up in Google AdWords and Bing Ads. Nice work. You’re keeping up with the modern world of business. You understand why a geo-targeted campaign with high-intent keywords and well-written ads will probably be more effective than blowing dollars on a billboard beside a thoroughfare. By golly, you’re standing on the cutting edge! You’re a regular … [Read more...] about You’re Doing This One Thing Wrong In Digital Marketing
Search Results for: competitors
PPC Facepalm: 7 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t Working
Although Paid Search advertising is something that can be learned over time, there are always areas of performance that need further guidance. One example of this is your ad copy. Now, we’ve given you example after example of why to test, what to test, and all the elements of ad copy that you need to utilize in your PPC account. But there are still things, very basic things, … [Read more...] about PPC Facepalm: 7 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t Working
Getting Started With AdWords Scripts
In 2013, I spoke at Hero Conf for the first time and decided to talk about the then relatively new AdWords Scripts, something not many advertisers had ever heard of, let alone tried in their accounts. That session went well and spurned numerous follow-ups at other conferences, and helped me grow my tool company, Optmyzr, where we build tools and scripts to make account … [Read more...] about Getting Started With AdWords Scripts
Reassessing The Classical Definition Of ROI
This blog post was inspired by one of the many conversations I have with our president, Jeff Allen. I believe this particular conversation was about a client and hints we were giving us about their satisfaction, despite the ROI being at an all-time high for their account (not just with Hanapin but prior to us also). This blog post will go in depth about the classic … [Read more...] about Reassessing The Classical Definition Of ROI
Let’s Get That Ad Test Started Now!
Ad testing is a topic that comes up quite frequently in the PPC world and, quite frankly, years ago it used to make me cringe! Don’t get me wrong. Ad testing is not only a great practice for your accounts – it’s also a necessary task. Imagine a brand that ran the same TV commercial year after year without ever changing or a company that placed the same ad in the newspaper every … [Read more...] about Let’s Get That Ad Test Started Now!
Could Low Cost-Per-Clicks Be Killing Your Conversion Rates?
Recently, I ran into an interesting change in my account. Interesting seems like a strange word to describe a change in performance, but, in this case, interesting was an accurate word. The “Interesting” Change For months, conversion rate had been steady at 8% with some natural variance that is always present in paid search. Then all of sudden conversion rate dropped by 3 … [Read more...] about Could Low Cost-Per-Clicks Be Killing Your Conversion Rates?
How To Tell If You Need Time Of Day Bid Modifiers
To be in the PPC industry, you need a strong love of optimization. Beyond the basics is a plethora of adjustments, one of which tends to be underutilized. I’m talking about the time of day bid modifiers. Often times the time of day scheduling is an either/or. Either ads are enabled or they are completely turned off. Some accounts don’t need finer tuning, but many do. … [Read more...] about How To Tell If You Need Time Of Day Bid Modifiers
[New Whitepaper!] PPC Expansion: Building A Case For Your Leadership Team
Marketing managers are under daily pressure to grow their online search presence. Pay-per-click advertising allows rapid entry to the search marketplace and provides the ability to reach thousands of potential customers per day. The problem many marketing managers experience when making the case for paid search is proving sufficient value and potential return for a … [Read more...] about [New Whitepaper!] PPC Expansion: Building A Case For Your Leadership Team
How PPC Provides Competitive Insights To Organizations
The problem many marketing managers experience when making the case for paid search is proving sufficient value and potential return for a business. Pay-per-click advertising is very technical and, therefore, easy to become lost “in the weeds” at the expense of educating leadership on its strategic benefits. Here is one strategic benefit that PPC provides to an … [Read more...] about How PPC Provides Competitive Insights To Organizations
Google’s Inclusion Of Buy Button A Game Changer For Retailers
Last week news broke regarding Google’s plan to include buy buttons for mobile devices. These buttons would allow searchers to directly purchase a product from the search engine results page (SERP). This change is a significant departure, as users are no longer required to follow this process: Leave the SERP --------> Go to the retailer’s site ------> Complete the … [Read more...] about Google’s Inclusion Of Buy Button A Game Changer For Retailers
Stop Using The Same Headline
Writing text ads in AdWords is difficult - except crafting the headline. Every blog and best practice article you read from so-called “experts” tells you to simply include the user's search query in your headline. In fact, Google seems to even encourage this practice by offering dynamic keyword insertion and bolding the matching words in the headline of your ads. So why … [Read more...] about Stop Using The Same Headline
Top 5 Reasons To Download The New AdWords Editor
Last week, Google pushed out the latest installment of the AdWords Editor, version 11.1.1. Many people were quick to jump to twitter and the blogs to discuss how exciting the release was because of some of the awesome new features. However, some were still reluctant because of how buggy the previous update was for some users. I’ve downloaded and began using the new version, and … [Read more...] about Top 5 Reasons To Download The New AdWords Editor