One of the best aspects of managing a pay-per-click campaign is the completeness of data. It is the only advertising medium that can give you a fairly accurate representation of how many eyeballs see your ad, and it’s the only advertising medium that can regularly associate a user behavior with an advertising placement. But with all of the data that’s available to an account … [Read more...] about Quick Look: Pay-Per-Click Metrics All Campaign Managers Should Understand
Search Results for: display network
What to Expect When You Make a Global Change to Your PPC Account: Launching a New Website
You should think of this article as a "what to expect when you're expecting" in regards to launching a new website. More to the point, I will focus on the effects that launching a new website will have on your pay-per-click campaign. Okay, I'll just say it: you may break your PPC account. However, I want to discuss why making a global change to your PPC account is a big deal; … [Read more...] about What to Expect When You Make a Global Change to Your PPC Account: Launching a New Website
PPC Blog News Roundup for May 22, 2009
This week, Google announced that they are updating their U.S. trademark policy. Under this new policy the restrictions will be loosened slightly so that more advertisers can display relevant brands within their PPC ads. This update applies only to within the U.S. and takes effect around June 15th. Gordon Choi has crafted a good introduction to the Google … [Read more...] about PPC Blog News Roundup for May 22, 2009
X Marks the Spot! How to Get Listed In Google Local Map Ads
This week we are discussing a myriad tactics to enhance your local geo-targeted PPC efforts. One of the core strategies you can employ to be found in your neighborhood to appear on Google Maps. If your business is geared toward a local audience, you need to gain as much exposure on Google Maps as possible! List Your Business in Google Maps First, let's step outside the realm … [Read more...] about X Marks the Spot! How to Get Listed In Google Local Map Ads
New AdWords Interface In Beta: See What’s New, Different and Better – Part 1
A few months ago our Adwords reps told us about a new Adwords interface they're testing out and wanted to know if we would like to be a part of the beta. Of course we said yes, and today I'll show you what's different, how it works, and what I think is better or worse compared to the old interface. This is only part 1, so stay tuned next week for Part 2! Be sure to click on … [Read more...] about New AdWords Interface In Beta: See What’s New, Different and Better – Part 1
New Tool in AdWords That Tells You Which Keywords Are Inactive
I came across this new tool in my Google AdWords campaign last Friday. When you’re in an AdWords campaign, right next to your ‘opportunities for improvement’ link at the top of the page, there is a link to the right of that which says, ‘Diagnose Keywords – New!’ I asked my AdWords Rep if indeed this tool is new, and she said it is, and it’s gradually rolling out for select … [Read more...] about New Tool in AdWords That Tells You Which Keywords Are Inactive
5 Ways to “Cut the Fat” Out of your PPC account AND Your Body This Spring
I've decided to write a 2-in-1 post on cutting out the fat of your ppc account, and your body if you're interested in losing weight to shape up this spring. (Disclaimer: in no way, are my tips on cutting the fat from your body literal or endorsed by the food and drug administration:) With each point on cutting out the fat in your PPC account, I'll give you one pointer on … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to “Cut the Fat” Out of your PPC account AND Your Body This Spring
Never Get Bored With My PPC Tasks Checklist
This post is dedicated to all the PPC search advertisers out there who think they have done everything to their PPC account and still can't get the results they need to meet their goals. Just like any job out there, you can never be bored with your PPC account. There is ALWAYS something you can do to improve your performance. Below is a PPC account checklist to make sure you … [Read more...] about Never Get Bored With My PPC Tasks Checklist
New Features Rolling Out For Yahoo! Search Marketing, FINALLY!
Yahoo! is finally catching up with Google and MSN and has some new features rolling out mid-March. Here's what they are: 1. Day Parting: Yahoo! has officially opened up their targeting preferences to certain times of the day. This is the exact same concept of Google's ad scheduling. You can go in at the campaign level and select certain hours of the day that you … [Read more...] about New Features Rolling Out For Yahoo! Search Marketing, FINALLY!
Let’s Take another Look at URL Tagging and Tracking PPC Campaigns via Google Analytics
The more we write here at PPC Hero, the more we learn about pay-per-click in general and the needs and wants of our readers. Of all the topics we've touched on over the past few years, the one that has remained most popular is the process for tracking PPC campaigns via Google Analytics. Previously we've written on how to properly tag your destination URLs for Yahoo! Search … [Read more...] about Let’s Take another Look at URL Tagging and Tracking PPC Campaigns via Google Analytics
Get All of Your AdWords PPC Tools in Place
Today, Google announced a site that acts as a one-stop shop for all your Google Adwords tools called the Google Agency Tool Kit. Within the site is several tools advertisers use every day to help create and optimize their PPC accounts. Below is a list of the tools on the page with a brief description of each. Tools to Plan: Ad Planner - Create targeted media plans … [Read more...] about Get All of Your AdWords PPC Tools in Place
Know the How, When, Why of AdWords Conversion Optimizer
This week we are featuring guest articles from our PPC Hero allies! We requested submissions from our readers and we received excellent responses from some great PPC bloggers! The PPC Hero team will return to our regularly scheduled articles next week. Enjoy! I only recently realized that Google’s conversion optimizer had lowered its requirement on the search network to 30 … [Read more...] about Know the How, When, Why of AdWords Conversion Optimizer