We all know the typical structure for campaign build outs. Usually we segment by product type, theme, or category. Our keyword lists are filled to the brim of purchase-intent phrases such as “buy __” or “order ___ online”. This strategy is great and all, but those who are still in the top of the funnel are a bit neglected. With a full-funnel PPC strategy, we can increase our … [Read more...] about Why The Purchase Funnel is Important For Your Campaign Structure
Search Results for: ecommerce
Should Facebook Be At The Top Of Your Mobile Strategy?
Mobile. We as advertisers know it’s important. Google tells us, Microsoft tells us, and intuitively every time we use our mobile devices we know it. As more traffic funnels in from mobile devices, platforms are trying to adapt and so are we as advertisers. This is why Facebook’s 2015 Q1 earnings report got my attention, but first let’s lay out a couple of the big issues with … [Read more...] about Should Facebook Be At The Top Of Your Mobile Strategy?
3 Hacks That Will Make You An Analytics Star
I know many account managers get a little flustered when you mention Google Analytics and using it for PPC management. It’s not that they don’t recognize the value, and it’s not even that they don’t know how to use it, it’s just that everyone usually thinks they’re not utilizing it to full potential and they’re going to look like a newb if they have to show how they’re using … [Read more...] about 3 Hacks That Will Make You An Analytics Star
3 Areas To Analyze Before Taking On A New PPC Account
When working on a PPC account, what contributes to the success or failure relies on us as the experts. How you organize the account, the layout of campaigns, keyword research, ad copy writing, and the list goes on and on. What often gets lost in this shuffle is the actual product, the client and how it fits or doesn’t fit in the realm of PPC. Are we setting ourselves up for … [Read more...] about 3 Areas To Analyze Before Taking On A New PPC Account
Use PPC To Help Build And Optimize Your Email Lists
We see a high number of pay-per-click marketing initiatives being set-up and often ran in a silo, with total separation from other marketing efforts. This separation is undoubtedly not the best thing for your business. Integrating PPC with your overall marketing strategy not only helps ensure your pay-per-click campaigns reach their ROI goals and full potential, but will also … [Read more...] about Use PPC To Help Build And Optimize Your Email Lists
Assisted Conversions – You’ll Miss Them When They’re Gone
Recently, I performed optimizations on an account focused on improving ROI. This particular client was highly ROI-focused and wanted me to ensure that there were no inefficiencies within the account. An inefficient keyword was defined as any keyword that wasn’t generating a certain level of profit for the company. To start, I carefully went through the account and looked at … [Read more...] about Assisted Conversions – You’ll Miss Them When They’re Gone
3 Ways To Decrease CPA Without Tanking Volume
In an industry like PPC, the results of marketing campaigns are right there in front of you and for everyone to see. There’s nowhere to hide in terms of performance, and we are judged on these bottom line numbers. While many of these front-end metrics (CTR, CPC, Avg. Position, etc.) lead to better overall performance on the back-end, CPA (cost per acquisition) and profit, when … [Read more...] about 3 Ways To Decrease CPA Without Tanking Volume
Simple Budgeting Techniques Using Excel
The majority of paid search accounts I've managed have run on a monthly budget. Being able to land on this budget at the end of each month while reaching or exceeding goals on other metrics is the name of the game. In order to see where your budget is pacing, it is a simple formula, right? That formula might look like this in Excel: =(Current Spend/Amount of Days)*Total Days … [Read more...] about Simple Budgeting Techniques Using Excel
Shopping Campaigns: How Does Bing Really Stack Up To Google?
Product Listing Ads have absolutely revolutionized how shoppers research and ultimately purchase products online. What started as an exclusive set of ads in the search engine results page has become a must have for any e-commerce advertiser. Google and Bing have both launched Shopping campaigns, which offer specialized segmentation and biding strategies for your PLAs. If you … [Read more...] about Shopping Campaigns: How Does Bing Really Stack Up To Google?
Bidding Strategies: A Pair of Case Studies
Sometimes, I think there is one single mantra that runs through the mind of every PPCer, “Let’s test that.” Ad testing and conversion rate optimization get a lot of the testing hype, but what about bidding strategies? At intervals, experimenting with bidding strategies gets sprinkled into the testing mix, but not enough. How do we spend money in paid search? The answer is … [Read more...] about Bidding Strategies: A Pair of Case Studies
Looking For More Revenue? 7 Ways To Profitably Expand PPC Reach
At some point while managing your PPC program you may be faced with this problem – you need more revenue and/or conversions NOW! It’s not a terrible problem to have. In fact, your program is probably performing so well that you are expected to just throw more money at your PPC, press the magic button, and viola – greater activity at the same ROI or CPA! Wouldn’t it be great … [Read more...] about Looking For More Revenue? 7 Ways To Profitably Expand PPC Reach
Structure Your Way To Google Shopping Success
If you are running AdWords Shopping campaigns do any of these questions apply to you? Do you look at your current campaigns and feel dread as you can’t remember which product or brand is where? Are you spending too much time doing routine tasks because your Shopping campaign layout is confusing? Are you unsure of how to best structure your Shopping campaigns based upon … [Read more...] about Structure Your Way To Google Shopping Success