This week on PPC Hero, we're all about the practical application of PPC know-how to solve major mysteries plaguing your account's performance. Today, I'm going to share with a you a few pointers on how to troubleshoot where your bad leads may be coming from. With a little bit of time, effort, and ongoing vigilance you can keep your leads squeaky clean with these tips. 1) Have … [Read more...] about 3 Tips to Troubleshoot Your Lead Quality
Search Results for: ecommerce
New Target ROAS Bidding In AdWords
Just in time for holiday season Google announces the roll-out of Target ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) bidding in AdWords. This recent release is part of the flexible bidding strategies suite and ongoing initiatives to improve real-time bidding in AdWords. Target ROAS bidding will be rolling out across all accounts over the coming weeks. As all the good little digital marketing … [Read more...] about New Target ROAS Bidding In AdWords
Easily Increase Your Leads with Bing Phone Extensions
This week Bing unveiled the next set of enhancements for their ads. This time it’s call extensions, something I am very excited about. What is the Big Deal? Phone extensions are a tremendous source of traffic for some of our clients at Hanapin. The extensions not only draw attention to your ad, the offer an alternative way to contact your business. This is especially … [Read more...] about Easily Increase Your Leads with Bing Phone Extensions
Why You Can’t Manage AdWords Without A Multi-Device Strategy in 2013
I was presented with a pretty big account a couple of months ago from one of our Clients who asked me for help to build out their future strategy. They came to me with the following talking points. We think we’re doing pretty well in Search and we don’t need much external help (yes, this was their first talking point) We need someone to help us set up a system for our … [Read more...] about Why You Can’t Manage AdWords Without A Multi-Device Strategy in 2013
Does DKI Really Work? [Case Study]
As dynamic series week continues, we’ve covered how to use dynamic parameters in Bing, dynamic ads with scripts and next we will dive into the question across many search engine marketing professionals minds when it comes to ad testing – Does DKI really work? Below we will review – What is DKI? Does it Really Work? DKI Best Practices. What is DKI DKI stands for Dynamic … [Read more...] about Does DKI Really Work? [Case Study]
Optimize For Offline Conversions With New AdWords Conversion Import Feature
Why hello offline conversions in AdWords, where have you been all my life? Optimizing lead gen accounts in AdWords just got a little sweeter with the release of the new AdWords Conversion Import feature. The Conversion Import feature allows advertisers to track the entire sales cycle from ad click, to offline conversions AND THEN… import these offline conversions back into … [Read more...] about Optimize For Offline Conversions With New AdWords Conversion Import Feature
Why Aren’t Your Quality Scores Higher?
“Why are some of our keywords sitting at 3 or 4 Quality Scores? How can we make those better? Shouldn’t you just work on increasing CTR?” Similar to my previous post on what a ‘good’ CTR is for your PPC campaigns, quite often we hear questions surrounding account Quality Scores and what is being done to proactively improve them. Let’s get the obvious out of the way… YES – … [Read more...] about Why Aren’t Your Quality Scores Higher?
8 Simple Ways to Leverage SEO Data & Improve PPC Results
As most of you have heard by now, AdWords released a new report within their interface that allows PPC managers to look at paid and organic keyword/query data in one place. With that release, we’re also hearing a lot of you ask about how you can utilize that, and other, SEO metrics and data to increase performance in your paid search campaigns. Well ask and ye shall receive, … [Read more...] about 8 Simple Ways to Leverage SEO Data & Improve PPC Results
PLAs and Repeat Clickers – What Should Be Done?
When Google transitioned Google Shopping over to Product Listing ads back in October 17, 2012 (or on June 11th of this year for a lot of countries outside of the US) many advertisers saw a serious lift in performance. We’ve talked about how to setup and optimize PLAs around here a lot since the transition. For eCommerce advertisers, PLAs have been great. We totally love … [Read more...] about PLAs and Repeat Clickers – What Should Be Done?
Dominate Your Enhanced Campaign Bid Adjustments with New Google Analytics Report
As we wrap up the first week of the official Enhanced Campaign migration and start to gather all the data we can to optimize our accounts in the brave new world of enhanced campaigns, Google Analytics comes in to save the day with the announcement of enhanced campaign Bid Adjustment Reporting. Google Analytics now allows you to view how your bid multipliers are preforming by … [Read more...] about Dominate Your Enhanced Campaign Bid Adjustments with New Google Analytics Report
6 Cool New Advertising Options In Google AdWords
It seems like it's been a crazy few weeks at the Googleplex with the amount of new features that have been added into AdWords. We're going to take a quick look into 6 of the different features available that you might not have heard of and want to get set up in your account. RLSA - Remarketing Lists for Search Ads What is it? RLSA stands for Remarketing Lists for Search … [Read more...] about 6 Cool New Advertising Options In Google AdWords
How To Deal With Client Tracking Issues
Working at a PPC agency has provided me experience with clients ranging in tech-savviness and web development resources. It's not uncommon for tracking issues to develop, and it's not uncommon for me to be the one that has to sort them out. Unfortunately, I'm no web developer, and my own skills and knowledge on this subject are pretty subpar. However, I am resourceful, and … [Read more...] about How To Deal With Client Tracking Issues