With the holiday season well under way, it becomes increasingly important for online advertisers to ensure that all of their ducks are in a row. Additionally, when you add in the ever-changing behavior of online consumers year after year, proper preparation becomes even more difficult. Now, assuming you’ve already planned out your holiday bid, budget, keyword and ad copy … [Read more...] about Ho-Ho-Holiday Landing Page Optimization For Mobile
Search Results for: ecommerce
How Keyword Research Is Tanking Your ROAS
Keyword research is a vital part of every PPC manager's task list. Hitting up your organic keyword data, hitting up the search query report, whatever you do: it's all in the name of expansion, expansion, expansion. You want your account to be huge and always have that conversion and ROAS line creeping up and to the right. But what does that leave us with? Probably an account … [Read more...] about How Keyword Research Is Tanking Your ROAS
Heroview: How To Handle Keyword Research Late In The Sales Cycle With Eric Couch
Welcome to Heroview everyone, real-time interviews featuring PPC experts from around the industry! This month we had Eric Couch (@ecouch11) on who talked about how to handle keyword research late in the sales cycle. _______________________ PPC Hero: Thanks for joining us today Eric. We appreciate you being with us today! Eric: Thanks for having me! I'm thrilled to be … [Read more...] about Heroview: How To Handle Keyword Research Late In The Sales Cycle With Eric Couch
Stocking Stuffer Keyword Ideas
The holidays are rapidly approaching, starting with the one-two punch of Black Friday and Cyber Monday in a mere two weeks. I hope you’re ready, because every single ecommerce site in the world certainly is. So what can you do with your keywords to help your account keep up with the holiday rush? Have you ever tried to bid on the term “gifts” alone? It’s dumb. Don’t do … [Read more...] about Stocking Stuffer Keyword Ideas
Lead Generation’s Sad Holiday Season Won’t Last Forever
The holidays aren’t a total joy for everyone. The clearest example that always comes to my mind is Tiny Tim and his family sitting around their table and eating a boiled boot or whatever. (This probably depends on which of the roughly 1.6 million adaptations of A Christmas Carol immediately pop into your head.) Ok, so Tiny Tim and the Cratchits have love and a family and all … [Read more...] about Lead Generation’s Sad Holiday Season Won’t Last Forever
How To Optimize Product Listing Ads For The Holidays
As part of this weeks series on gearing up your PPC campaigns for the holidays, I'll be touching on one of the most important tools in an eCommerce PPC campaign this holiday season: product listing ads! Product listing ads take the consumer directly to the product. It's as close to real shopping as you can get with PPC ads. Maybe the parents of these children with gifts were … [Read more...] about How To Optimize Product Listing Ads For The Holidays
How To Avoid PPC Management Vacation Nightmares
It's that time of the year. Everyone has been hoarding their vacation days or paid time off just to take days off during the busiest time of the year for some eCommerce clients. Chances are that you'll either be the person on the side of this that is taking some of your hoarded time to hit the road or the person left with all the work from the person hitting the road. This … [Read more...] about How To Avoid PPC Management Vacation Nightmares
When Does Quality Score Matter?
When Does Quality Score Matter? A few months ago I wrote a post on why you shouldn’t optimize for Quality Score. A few weeks ago I spoke at SMX East on the best ways to optimize for Quality Score in an existing, long running account. I apologized at SMX for changing course and now I am going to change again. What’s the reason for this QS-bipolarism? I didn’t know until I … [Read more...] about When Does Quality Score Matter?
The 5 W’s of AdWords Ad Extensions – Part II
The five W’s return… I’m sure some of you may remember these from grade school as who, what, when, where and why. Together, they create the basic formula for getting the complete story on a particular subject. If you were following along earlier this month, we’ve already covered 4 of the different types of extensions that AdWords has to offer in Part I. For the purpose of Part … [Read more...] about The 5 W’s of AdWords Ad Extensions – Part II
Increase Your PPC ROAS In 2 Minutes With Dynamic Value Tracking
Better measurement of PPC results leads to better Return on Ad Spend. This post walks you through how to increase your ROAS by customizing your Google AdWords conversion tracking code to dynamically pull in order values or assigning values to leads based on the likelihood of a specific lead generating revenue for your business. (Side note, this is probably my most verbose post … [Read more...] about Increase Your PPC ROAS In 2 Minutes With Dynamic Value Tracking
Top 10 Reasons It’s Good To Be In PPC
PPC is the bee’s knees. It’s trackable, scalable and profitable. PPC can also be incredibly frustrating at times because the work is never done, the credit isn’t always forthcoming and consistent stellar results have led to excellence blindness. After a few long weeks of a lot of lever pulling and client meetings I stepped back and thought about why I do it. Here’s my top … [Read more...] about Top 10 Reasons It’s Good To Be In PPC
Predictive Keyword Research for PPC
I just watched a fascinating video by Rand Fishkin on predicting keyword volume. It’s geared to his neck of the woods (SEO) but was important and insightful enough that I wanted to shed some additional thoughts on predictive keyword research for PPC. What is predictive keyword research? To me, it means getting ahead of a term or topic before it becomes popular. Think about … [Read more...] about Predictive Keyword Research for PPC