Back when e-commerce was relatively new, one of the go-to best practices for improving usability and conversion was to consistently tell visitors what would happen next. So you would: write embedded links so that visitors could reliably tell where they would land after the jump explicitly state what would happen as a result of filling out and submitting a lead form (we'll … [Read more...] about Delivering on the Look After the Leap
Search Results for: ecommerce
Hero Conf Agenda is Announced!
The PPC Hero and Hanapin Marketing team is proud to unveil the 2012 Hero Conf Agenda! Day 1 of the conference will include a variety of exciting sessions on topics ranging from Retargeting to Advanced Mobile Marketing to a Landing Page Clinic. Day 2 will include informative one-on-one workshops with the PPC Hero team. Check out the full list of speakers here, and check out … [Read more...] about Hero Conf Agenda is Announced!
How to Test Broken Conversion Tracking
The need for conversion tracking in PPC marketing has definitely infiltrated the ‘Land of Best Practices’ and most PPC managers accept it as a factor that can ease the management process by a large degree. But what happens when it goes haywire and breaks…or you suspect it has, at the very least? As with many things in PPC, the trick is to test it and I’m going to give you a … [Read more...] about How to Test Broken Conversion Tracking
5 Questions You Need To Answer About Your PPC Account Using MCF
Multi-channel funnels give PPC managers the opportunity to better understand the role PPC plays in the conversion process. If you haven't started looking into multi-channel reports for your account, it's time to start. Below are 5 questions you need to answer to better understand your pay per click advertising. 1. How much does PPC interact with other marketing channels? Why … [Read more...] about 5 Questions You Need To Answer About Your PPC Account Using MCF
Guide to Google’s Multi-Channel Funnels for PPC Managers
As PPC managers, we all know that to get a clear understanding of PPC performance you can’t just look at AdWords alone, but the discrepancies between AdWords and Analytics data due to click attribution can be frustrating. With the release of Multi-Channel Funnels, Google has helped to resolve this issue by showing how different marketing channels work together to create … [Read more...] about Guide to Google’s Multi-Channel Funnels for PPC Managers
Google Analytics: Creating Deliberate Results from Random Metrics
Google Analytics provides a cornucopia of statistics. Some are the turkey and mash potatoes to your Thanksgiving dinner, and the others are the potluck sides that may go under-eaten. I’m calling these less utilized metrics “Random,” because they are statistics that you may not monitor on a consistent basis, and you may not even know how to use them. I’m a firm believer that if … [Read more...] about Google Analytics: Creating Deliberate Results from Random Metrics
Improved Google Product Ads – Just In Time for the Holidays!
As a follow-up to last week’s blog series on holiday PPC management, which included tips on holiday keyword research, account structure, ad position and holiday-specific landing pages, I thought it would be beneficial to discuss Google’s recent improvements to their Product Ads, and why investing in Product Ads may be useful to you or your ecommerce clients this holiday … [Read more...] about Improved Google Product Ads – Just In Time for the Holidays!
Have Yourself A Merry Little Account Structure
Happy almost-holiday season, PPC Hero’s! For our second installment in the Jingle Your Bells All The Way To The Bank holiday PPC management series, I’m going to take you to the next step in your planning: account structure. Yesterday, Sarah helped you make your way through specialized keyword research for the holiday season, including which holidays to target, gift recipients … [Read more...] about Have Yourself A Merry Little Account Structure
4 Questions to Ask Your Google Analytics
Google Analytics provides answers to many questions that can increase PPC performance. But are you asking it the right questions? Here are 4 questions you should be asking Analytics, and what the answers tell you. 1. Am I making money or losing money with PPC? Tracking revenue and expenses is easy to do with Analytics. If your web site does ecommerce, analytics ecommerce … [Read more...] about 4 Questions to Ask Your Google Analytics
Jingle Your Bells All The Way To The Bank! A Holiday PPC Management Series
It’s that time of year again, PPC Hero’s! No matter how unprepared we are, the holiday season never fails to round the corner this time of year and surprise us. PPC management is no exception to this rule and we’ve heard through the grapevine that some of you need a little extra help to prepare your PPC accounts for Holiday Hustle 2011. PPC Hero to the rescue! Starting this … [Read more...] about Jingle Your Bells All The Way To The Bank! A Holiday PPC Management Series
Will Google Update Impact Paid Search?
Get “fresher” organic search results today, thanks to Google algorithmic update. This update impacts about 35% of all searches. Specifically, search times that indicate you are looking for web pages that contain/sell: • Recent Events • Hot Topics • Regularly Recurring Events • Frequently Updated Content (i.e. Best SLR Camera) This update builds upon Caffeine, which already … [Read more...] about Will Google Update Impact Paid Search?
Lead Gen Comes to LinkedIn
The crew at PPC Hero knows the trick to the PPC trade can sometimes lie in the use of 2nd and/or 3rd tier search engines. Why? Generally speaking, they’re already targeted in some way to your core audience (think for Ecommerce sites) and there’s usually less competition (think cheaper clicks). Back in January, Linkedin took their advertising platform out of beta … [Read more...] about Lead Gen Comes to LinkedIn