Before I had ever heard of Pay-Per-Click or Paid Search, I was completely unaware of how it was determined which ads or search results would appear on a page. Now, over four years later, I have a solid understanding of how search results are populated, ads are shown, how display ads follow me around, and so much more. It’s the wonderful world of Digital Marketing led by Google, … [Read more...] about How Google Determines Which Ads To Serve
Search Results for: google
4 Reasons I Prefer Facebook Ads over Google Ads
For the longest time, I and the PPC industry as a whole, have defaulted and still in a lot of circumstances still default to a Google Paid Search first strategy. Google Ads is still the number 1 platform, and is still required in any digital marketing strategy. It can produce great results, but in some industries that have more obscure keywords and when higher results are … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons I Prefer Facebook Ads over Google Ads
How an EU Commission Ruling Can Mean 20 Percent Lower CPCs for Your Google Shopping Accounts
This post is shared with you from Stefan Stopper, Account Strategist at Smarter Ecommerce (@smec), and speaker at Hero Conf London. In June 2017, the EU Commission sentenced Google to pay a fine of 2.4 billion euros. Now, up to 5% of Google’s daily revenue is at stake if they fail to make their Google Shopping channel more competitive. Google is taking aggressive measures to … [Read more...] about How an EU Commission Ruling Can Mean 20 Percent Lower CPCs for Your Google Shopping Accounts
Google Sheets Query Function Need-to-Knows For PPC
If you are a hard-core Excel only user this article is not for you. While Excel is powerful especially combined with Power BI, sometimes Google Sheets is the answer. In an industry such as digital marketing where everything we do is online, highly collaborative, and shared with outside clients Google Sheets has its benefits. We have a lot of clients with special needs when it … [Read more...] about Google Sheets Query Function Need-to-Knows For PPC
New Interface, New Syntax: Automating Rules in Google Ads
As every digital advertiser should know by now, AdWords has officially rebranded to Google Ads. Whether you are pro-change or anti-change with Google’s advertising services, there is one certainty - You have to change regardless. That in mind, there have been a ton of updates recently with name changes, new offerings, shuffled offerings, the completely new UI, and the list goes … [Read more...] about New Interface, New Syntax: Automating Rules in Google Ads
Google Quality Score – Should You Optimize for This Metric?
Quality Score Has been a part of Google Ads since 2005 and over the last few years, Google has released more information about what elements of your account is used to calculate your score from 1-10, with 10 being the best score. While it is important to know what your Quality Score is, it is more crucial to know if optimizing your account to improve quality score will benefit … [Read more...] about Google Quality Score – Should You Optimize for This Metric?
The Top 4 Google Ad Format Updates: Less Transparent Reports and More Options than Ever Before
In this industry, if you blink you might miss something important. And it has never been more the case than with the rollout of various new ad formats and ad reports (or the quiet closing down of formats you may have found useful in the past, with the launch of Google Ad's new UI.) Quarter 2-3 of 2018 has felt, to me, like an avalanche of such changes rolling down the hill. … [Read more...] about The Top 4 Google Ad Format Updates: Less Transparent Reports and More Options than Ever Before
The PPC Newsflash: Take Advantage of the New Google Text Ad Changes
We know that responsive search ads can include up to 3 headlines and 2 description lines, but Google just announced that starting at the end of August, you can include a 3rd headline and 2nd description in regular text ads. Additionally, your description lines can be up to 90 characters each. What do you do with this kind of green light? It's somewhat of a perplexing move by … [Read more...] about The PPC Newsflash: Take Advantage of the New Google Text Ad Changes
Is AI the Secret to Google Ads Success?
We all know that Google Ads is like one big boxing match. Everyone is battling it out for conversions across all platforms, trying to keep their heads on straight as they juggle restrictions and challenges across the board. If only there was a better way... AI might be the solution to all of your problems - the bridge between platforms that will make your PPC life … [Read more...] about Is AI the Secret to Google Ads Success?
Google Speed Update – What It Means & The PPC Impact
Google is all about the need, the need for speed. Specifically, your site speed with the latest Google Indexing update launched on July 9th. Called the “Speed Update”, Google has introduced site speed as a ranking factor for mobile web pages on the SERP. Gasp Really, I don’t expect this to come as a big surprise to too many of you PPCitizens, as Google already ranks site … [Read more...] about Google Speed Update – What It Means & The PPC Impact
AdWords is Dead, Long Live Google Ads: Google Simplifies its Marketing Brands
Google announced yesterday (June 27, 2018) that it is rebranding its advertising suite of products, consolidating some services and revising others. The reasoning behind the change, as Google's official announcement of the consolidated networks points out, is multi-fold: ...marketers have more opportunities to reach consumers across channels, screens and formats. Advertising … [Read more...] about AdWords is Dead, Long Live Google Ads: Google Simplifies its Marketing Brands
Google Adds New Tools to Highlight Physical Store Locations
Buying in-store is still a big deal for shoppers, and Google has announced a few cool new tools to let physical retailers target those shoppers heading to the stores. These initiatives are coming on the heels of research reporting nearly 80% of shoppers are willing to buy in-store when the items are available immediately. Google is expanding affiliate location extensions, … [Read more...] about Google Adds New Tools to Highlight Physical Store Locations