In the final topic for our series on how to succeed on the display network, I’ll be discussing display network strategy. I’ll break strategy down into three parts: Goals – What you intend to accomplish with your display campaign. Channels – Where you’ll be placing your ads. Ads – CPM or CPC? Creative strategies to get the most out of each. Defining your goals It’s … [Read more...] about Display Network Strategy: A Three Part Approach
Search Results for: google
Display Network Best Practices
This is the second post PPC Hero's series on How to Succeed on the Display Network. This post focuses on the best practices for structuring Display Campaigns, available targeting options, and tips for optimizing performance on the Display Network. Yesterday, Abby wrote on the similarities and differences between the Google Display Network and Bing Content Network. In this … [Read more...] about Display Network Best Practices
PPC for Reputation Management
Today we have a post from one of our PPC Hero allies, Katie Saxon of Boom Online Marketing. In her first post for PPC Hero, Katie looks how pay per click can be used to manage online reputations. Rick Santorum has a serious Google problem. It’s not the lewd website topping the search engine results for his name, it’s something potentially more damaging for a presidential … [Read more...] about PPC for Reputation Management
How To Succeed On The Display Network
Have you attempted to expand your PPC advertising by crossing over to the Display Network, but ended up spending a lot of money without generating conversions? If so, then this month's PPC Hero series on How To Succeed On The Display Network is for you. I've heard the Display Network referred to in many different ways, from the dark side to the black hole of PPC, but Ithink … [Read more...] about How To Succeed On The Display Network
Top of Page and First Page Bid Estimates
If you use AdWords, I'm sure you've noticed a status called 'First Page Bid Estimate' and maybe even decided to opt in to the newer 'Top of Page Estimate' that you can now make a column in your interface. These bid estimates can give some great insight into an optimization opportunity, but it's also important to know how AdWords calculates these estimates and some alternatives … [Read more...] about Top of Page and First Page Bid Estimates
How To Use adCenter’s Explicit and Implicit Bidding Strategy
On this week's Whaddya'know Wednesdays, our weekly expert, Abby Woodcock, tells us how to use adCenter's new explicit and implicit bidding strategy. You may remember Felicia's post about this. Since she's the expert on the topic here in the office, Abby interviews her! If you've been thinking about implementing this bidding strategy in your adCenter account, you should really … [Read more...] about How To Use adCenter’s Explicit and Implicit Bidding Strategy
Whaddya’know Wednesdays: 6 Tips to Enhance Your Negative Keyword Strategy
On this week's Whaddya'know Wednesdays, our weekly expert, Bethany Bey, give you 6 tips to enhance your negative keyword strategy. Negative keywords are just as important as your regular ones! So, if you've been neglecting your negatives or would like them to be more effective, listen to Bethany give you some insights into ways to really make them work for your … [Read more...] about Whaddya’know Wednesdays: 6 Tips to Enhance Your Negative Keyword Strategy
Segmenting by Device: Why All Your Accounts Should Be Running Mobile Campaigns
I know we’ve had a few posts about mobile campaigns here on PPC Hero, but after recently reviewing my accounts by device segmentation and rediscovering how many visitors are actually clicking my ads via mobile devices, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of paying attention to your mobile audience. Amy wrote a great post not too long ago on mobile landing page best … [Read more...] about Segmenting by Device: Why All Your Accounts Should Be Running Mobile Campaigns
adCenter 101: Capitalizing On Consumer Queries
This series is designed to help provide you with a better understanding of the true potential behind Microsoft adCenter’s paid search interface. Last month, I wrote about Campaign Analytics in adCenter. This month, I will talk about adCenter’s revamped search query performance reports and the benefits you can now take away from them. Overview Up until recently, I found … [Read more...] about adCenter 101: Capitalizing On Consumer Queries
Shoestringin’ It: 3 Strategies for Campaigns on Smaller Budgets
Everybody is looking for a way to cut costs and stay within budget these days, in all businesses. So, PPC is no different. Not everyone has a large budget to bid with, so it makes sense that there are other strategies to employ to be successful. So, without further ado, there are three strategies that you should try out in order to get the most out of your limited budget PPC … [Read more...] about Shoestringin’ It: 3 Strategies for Campaigns on Smaller Budgets
Our Greatest Hits for August 2011
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from August. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber, you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. Enjoy! Bethany starts the month off with her Top 5 AdWords Filters for PPC Managers. Get the download on those keywords that are … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for August 2011
PPC Budgets: Optimizing Accounts with Budget Constraints
At some point in our account management adventures, we’ve all hit the point of needing to scale back our accounts’ budgets. Whether your account is large or small, it can be challenging to scale back your spend while maintaining an account’s performance. Whether your client has had to reduce their PPC budget, or you’re pulling back at the end of the month to stay under a … [Read more...] about PPC Budgets: Optimizing Accounts with Budget Constraints