Today’s #Heroview featured Michelle Morgan (@Michellemsem) as she enlightened us on the subject of PPC Keyword Research, Tools, and Strategy. The interview was full of great insights and interesting new ideas to add to your PPC arsenal. But you don’t need me to tell you, check out the streamcap below! Thank you to everyone who participated in this month’s Heroview – real-time … [Read more...] about Heroview – Keyword Research, Tools & Strategy with Michelle Morgan
Search Results for: google
adCenter 101: Utilizing Campaign Analytics For Better Conversion Data
This periodical series is designed to help provide you with a better understanding of the true potential behind Microsoft adCenter’s paid search interface. I’ve found that literature pertaining to this subject is sparse, so I intend to contribute to the lack thereof. Overview Back when Bing and Yahoo announced that they were going to join forces, one of their endeavors sought … [Read more...] about adCenter 101: Utilizing Campaign Analytics For Better Conversion Data
Modified Broad Match, Understood
One of my favorite movies of recent memory is Wedding Crashers, and while looking for a picture to put on Facebook to mock a friend, I stumbled upon a picture of Todd Cleary, the misunderstood son of the powerful Cleary family. Laughing to myself, I saved the pic to get back to work. Later, while puzzling over why my broad match keywords were getting impressions in an account, … [Read more...] about Modified Broad Match, Understood
Hanapin Marketing’s Predictions for the Future of PPC
What's the future of PPC advertising? Our staff of experts here at Hanapin Marketing got together to make a video blog about our predictions for the future of PPC in the next 5-10 years. From being able to buy what an actress is wearing on television, right from the television, to having Google chips implanted in our heads--it's clear the staff is not short on … [Read more...] about Hanapin Marketing’s Predictions for the Future of PPC
The End of The Yellow Brick Road – Getting Your AdWords Account Up & Running
This is part 4 of our week-long series on starting an AdWords account from scratch. The series will walk you though each step of the process, from creating your initial keyword list to activating your campaigns. Give us 5 days and we’ll teach you how to start you very own AdWords account! You are almost at the end of the Yellow Brick Road and will soon be able to see the Great … [Read more...] about The End of The Yellow Brick Road – Getting Your AdWords Account Up & Running
How To Expand An Account From Exact Match to Broad Match
Let me preface this post by stating clearly: this is not the best way to work all accounts. With that said, I can think of a few scenarios where it is worth a shot as there are many pros to working an account from more targeted to less. There are also some cons so I’ll start by addressing both. Pros: You’ll have less initial financial waste while prospecting keywords It is … [Read more...] about How To Expand An Account From Exact Match to Broad Match
Ad Writing Tips for a New Account
Welcome to part 3 of our series ‘Starting an AdWords Account From Scratch.’ In this article, we’ll be covering ad writing. Your ad groups won’t start triggering impressions until you have at least one active ad running. Read on for best practices and writing ideas. The Importance of Great Ads: Thorough keyword research and a tightly knit structure will be useless without … [Read more...] about Ad Writing Tips for a New Account
PPC Campaign Structure Basics & Best Practices
This is part 2 of our week-long series on starting an AdWords account from scratch. The series will walk you though each step of the process, from creating your initial keyword list to activating your campaigns. Give us 5 days and we’ll teach you how to start you very own AdWords account! Ready to start filling your designer handbags with the millions of dollars made from the … [Read more...] about PPC Campaign Structure Basics & Best Practices
AdWords Performance Grader: A Nice New Tool From WordStream
Part of the fun of PPC management is that it’s as much art as it is science. However, understanding the intricate relationships between various elements of your account requires both experience and a good bit of time for data analysis. If you’re new to the industry, or you just want a quick check-up on account health with some solid suggestions as to areas that could use … [Read more...] about AdWords Performance Grader: A Nice New Tool From WordStream
How To Create A PPC Keyword List
This is part 1 of our week-long series on starting an AdWords account from scratch. The series will walk you though each step of the process, from creating your initial keyword list to activating your campaigns. Give us 5 days and we'll teach you how to start you very own AdWords account! You've heard of the three little PPC pigs right? The first PPC pig started building his … [Read more...] about How To Create A PPC Keyword List
adCenter Changing Phrase and Broad Match Behaviors
Your adCenter phrase and broad match keyword traffic might soon look a little like this flood-gate if you don’t monitor it! Microsoft has announced that they’ll be changing the way broad and phrase match types behave in adCenter. They cited the reason for the change as wanting to give advertisers improved relevancy and better performance when utilizing these match types. The … [Read more...] about adCenter Changing Phrase and Broad Match Behaviors
Letter from the CEO – “Just the facts, ma’am.”
This is my sixth 'letter from the CEO,' and I'm having a bit of writer's block coming up with a thematic topic or creative spin like I have in previous letters. So, I'll just do my best Joe Friday impression and just tell you what we're working on! (Depending on your age, that's either Colonel Potter from M*A*S*H* or Ray from Ghostbusters. :-)) We're now at the 150-day mark of … [Read more...] about Letter from the CEO – “Just the facts, ma’am.”