If you've chosen contextual targeting as your approach to the Google Display Network, Google's Contextual Targeting Tool is your new best friend! This tool makes recommendations on how to structure a display network campaign and what keywords to target. Most importantly, this tool gives you insight into how Google identifies themes for ad groups in display network campaigns. … [Read more...] about PPC Hero Video Blog #3: The Contextual Targeting Tool
Search Results for: google
Creating Killer Ads Using Bing Dynamic Text
Last week Bryan wrote a great post about the changes Google is making in the way they display ads, so I thought it would be a good idea to call out the unique way Bing lets you insert dynamic text, and how you can use this to help you create killer ads. What is dynamic text? Dynamic text is a word or phrase that is inserted into your ad using a variable. After a search … [Read more...] about Creating Killer Ads Using Bing Dynamic Text
PPC News Roundup for February 11, 2011
Remember last week’s roundup about the originality argument between Google and Bing? Well, the plot has thickened. As reported by Danny Goodwin of Search Engine Watch, a recently released Hitwise/Compete report shows that Bing’s popularity is increasing online. This is demonstrated in part from a 6% rise in Bing-powered searches (totaling now to 25.77% of the U.S. searches), … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for February 11, 2011
Why and How You Should Rethink Ad Writing and Bidding Strategies
We all know that Google likes to throw us in the industry for a loop every now and then. Usually, it is nothing to be too overly concerned about, despite the PPC doomsayers having a field day every time Google even changes it’s homepage logo. It simply means that you have to adapt a bit, tweak a strategy here and there, and voila, you’re back on the cutting edge of Adwords … [Read more...] about Why and How You Should Rethink Ad Writing and Bidding Strategies
Facebook: You Can Lead a Horse to Water…
A few months ago I was looking at an account’s stats and my jaw literally dropped. I know I probably shouldn’t have been so surprised, but I was! The account’s Facebook campaign had outperformed its Google Adwords campaign. The Facebook account had spent less than half as much as the Google account, and while the Google account acquired more impressions and clicks, the Facebook … [Read more...] about Facebook: You Can Lead a Horse to Water…
PPC News Roundup for February 4, 2011
Ladies and gentlemen, the gloves are off. On Tuesday, February 1, Google released a statement accusing Bing of cheating off of Google's search results algorithm. In an article first reported at Search Engine Land by Danny Sullivan, Google announced that after running a series of carefully rigged search queries, it found that Bing was simply copying Google results in places … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for February 4, 2011
Our Greatest Hits for January 2011
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from January. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber, you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. In first place this month is Caleb with The What, Why, and How on Low Search Volume Keywords. When a keyword gains that … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for January 2011
PPC News Roundup for January 28, 2011
Google Adwords introduced negative keywords lists as an improvement over the previous platform. Negative keywords help control campaign spends and filter out undesirable traffic that results in low conversion rates. David Iwanow explains the benefits of these lists in his post on Search Engine Journal this week. David explains that agencies and consultants can now develop … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for January 28, 2011
Using Negative Keyword Lists
Frequently running search query reports and refining your keyword exclusions is a great way to cut down on traffic that simply spends your money without achieving results. A negative keyword, if you need a refresher, is a term that can be added as a broad, phrase, or exact match to filter out “bad” traffic. Your ad won’t show when a searcher types in a query with the keyword … [Read more...] about Using Negative Keyword Lists
Statistical Validity Is Leading You Astray
Sometimes, the idea of testing in PPC accounts can get a little dicey. What can you test? What makes for a valid test? Is a significant test always valid? What “untestable” factors might influence performance? To most positively affect the return your tests will offer, it’s important to both plan your tests carefully and to understand the various interactions of factors beyond … [Read more...] about Statistical Validity Is Leading You Astray
PPC News Roundup for January 21, 2011
Groupon might have rejected Google’s offer to buy them, but that didn’t stop Google from getting into the deal-of-the-day market. Waving the surrender flag isn’t really Google’s style. Mashable broke the story last night that Google has confirmed “Google Offers,” aka—the Groupon Clone, as Greg Sterling of Search Engine Land notes. Google Offers is obviously in the testing phase … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for January 21, 2011
The What, Why, and How on Low Search Volume Keywords
Whether you are starting up a new AdWords campaign, expanding on a current campaign using PPC Hero’s keyword research best practices, practicing a long-tail keyword strategy, or working on a B2B account, I think we can safely assume Google has branded some of your best keyword phrases with the low search volume keyword status. Alas, all of the hard work put into a targeted, … [Read more...] about The What, Why, and How on Low Search Volume Keywords