While the top three search engines account for over 90% of search traffic, there are hidden deals to be found on price per click hiding among the second tier search networks. One such network is 7Search. 7Search provides advertising for a network of small websites and search engines like Mamma.com (the “Mother” of all search engines!). The quality of clicks are often lower, … [Read more...] about Don’t forget about the Smaller Search Engines – 7Search
Search Results for: google
36 Myths of PPC
Note: This post was authored by Amber, a prolific blogger at PPC Hero and one of our long-time PPC managers, who welcomed her gorgeous son Jacob on April 29th! Over the course of the past several years, many old PPC tactics have become dated and are no longer considered best practice. There have also been many PPC strategies that have been developed bloggers and so-called PPC … [Read more...] about 36 Myths of PPC
PPC News Roundup for 4/30/2010
I don’t know if it’s my love of fun pictures of my love of good ideas, but I enjoy this post from Mike Fleming on Search Engine Guide about the possibility that lies in your broad match keywords. He’s right- treated properly, broad match keywords can be like a gold mine for excellent longer-tail keywords you can add to your account that you may not have caught on your original … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 4/30/2010
Coping With Trouble In Your PPC Account
You’ve diligently worked to create a well-organized, well-rounded PPC account with lots of tightly-themed keywords in your ad groups. You’ve written compelling ads with lots of benefits and a strong call-to-action. You figure you’ve set up your PPC account successfully and it works well for a while. But then you start seeing your traffic drop and you know that you’re facing … [Read more...] about Coping With Trouble In Your PPC Account
Tracking Revenue and Cost In Adwords
Conversion Tracking in Google Adwords Google’s conversion tracking in Adwords allows you to take your account to the next level by providing you with ROI data that can help you more accurately identify both areas of success and opportunities. The best part is it only takes a snippet of code and few settings to get started! Using Conversion Tracking The first step you must … [Read more...] about Tracking Revenue and Cost In Adwords
PPC News Roundup for 4/23/2010
Site speed has been included as one of the factors in determining your ranking in Google, but Matt Cutts explains that it’s not something to blow out of proportion. There are a plethora of tools you can use in addition to Google Webmaster Tools to monitor your site’s speed and make improvements. Hopefully user experience will improve with this change as SEMs start to put more … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 4/23/2010
How To Exclude Domains from the Content Network
The Google and Yahoo! Content Networks are great for capturing additional PPC traffic but if not managed, it can quickly spend a lot of money without giving you the results you are looking for. If you haven’t reviewed your network website list recently and added in exclusions, it might be time to take a look. In both Google and Yahoo! you can exclude both domains and subdomains … [Read more...] about How To Exclude Domains from the Content Network
Efficient bid management: spreadsheet fun!
Changing keyword bids is going to be a task that faces you with some regularity if you’re managing any PPC account. It would be fantastic if we could just manage ad group bids and never consider the cost of our individual keywords, but it doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes, you have fabulous keyword performers who need to be supported with better bids, hanging out in an ad … [Read more...] about Efficient bid management: spreadsheet fun!
PPC News Roundup for 4/16/2010
Google announced yesterday that the iPad is now listed as a mobile device that you can target specifically. To target the iPad search under Campaign Settings, Networks and Devices, and then Target only selected mobile devices. The post also points out that if your campaigns are set for desktop and laptops only, your ads will not show on the iPad. Expanding your PPC campaign … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 4/16/2010
AdWords Tools for Keyword Expansion
Keyword research can be time consuming, especially when you have been working on an account for a while and have thousands and thousands of keywords already. It may feel like you are trying to find a needle in a haystack to come up with new keywords you haven’t tried. If you find yourself stuck, dig into your Google AdWords account to explore new suggestions you may not have … [Read more...] about AdWords Tools for Keyword Expansion
Using URL Tracking Parameters To Get More Out Of Analytics
One of the challenges of working in an agency environment is that, while it helps get the work done, multiple people touch an account, and you run the risk of creating inconsistencies. When you need to know that your data is accurate it’s nice to know that you and your team have taken a few minutes in the beginning to set up a system for URL building and tracking. Once you … [Read more...] about Using URL Tracking Parameters To Get More Out Of Analytics
Sunshine, Rainbows and Fraud on the Content Network
We’ve discussed in the past what a great source of leads Google’s content network can be- it can help you reach customers you didn’t even know you wanted to reach, or customers who didn’t even know they wanted your product! But the content network isn’t all fun and games. You can discover and sell to new consumer audiences, but guess what? You’re also exposing yourself to new … [Read more...] about Sunshine, Rainbows and Fraud on the Content Network