Google Analytics is instrumental in the way we track the success of our PPC campaigns (especially since it’s free), but as robust as it is, there are certain visitors that just can’t be tracked. There are at least 6 types of those visitors, but today I’m going to focus solely on those that have their JavaScript turned off, and what it can mean for your PPC campaigns. What is … [Read more...] about Understanding JavaScript and How it Can Affect Your Analytics Tracking
Search Results for: google
When to Pause or Delete Ads & Keywords To Save Your Quality Scores
Have you ever truly thought about what your overall account Quality Score looks like and how it has affected your PPC account over the years? The more I manage long term clients the more I realize everything I do today will greatly effect what happens to my account Quality Score in the future. Achieving a great Quality Score does not happen overnight. It may take a week, a … [Read more...] about When to Pause or Delete Ads & Keywords To Save Your Quality Scores
PPC News Roundup for 2/5/2010
There are some great benefits to the content network like lower click costs, and a large audience base, but like any campaign you need to make sure expanding past search will help you meet your business objectives. Once you’ve done that, it will be easy to get started if you follow this step-by-step guide from PPC Blog. In his post Review Your PPC Keywords, Jason Tabeling from … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 2/5/2010
Our Greatest Hits for January 2010
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from January. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber, you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. Google has launched contact form extensions allowing users to submit contact information within the search results. Amber has all … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for January 2010
Increase Conversion Rates with Minimal Effort, Time and Money
I’ve always been behind the philosophy that telling customers what to do on your landing pages or website is much better than letting them figure it out on their own. After all, that’s what marketing is, right? We lead them in the direction we want them to take; to see our new product, new offers, new promotions, new content, etc. However, if you’re working with graphic … [Read more...] about Increase Conversion Rates with Minimal Effort, Time and Money
PPC News Roundup for 1/29/2010
Are you managing a business-to-business PPC client? Search Engine Land has a post this week on 6 common mistakes in B2B PPC advertising. Some of the mistakes listed include: using too many industry acronyms (not everyone knows what you’re talking about), not bidding on branding terms, and thinking Google is king. Users quickly judge your brand when they reach your PPC landing … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 1/29/2010
PPC News Roundup for 1/22/2010
You maybe determined to give your PPC accounts a makeover this year, but remember to optimize PPC accounts gradually. Melissa Mackey from Search Engine Watch discusses why drastic changes can end up hurting your account and some ways to achieve long-term results. With 350 millions users, Facebook is hard to ignore – even for PPC. This post on Search Engine Land shows some … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 1/22/2010
PPC News Roundup for 1/15/2010
The lives of Yahoo PPC advertisers just got a little easier! Yahoo announced that they are launching a feature that lets you import campaign data from Google AdWords. Here’s a great tutorial on what types of Google Analytics reports you can run to help better manage your PPC campaigns. There are lots of new features on Google Analytics, but it helps to get back to the basics … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 1/15/2010
Increase Your PPC Ecommerce Sales with Yahoo! And Pricegrabber
Yahoo! Just announced yesterday that they will no longer offer the free Yahoo Shopping listings as part of their API services. They are now partnering up with Pricegrabber, an online comparison shopping search engine, to provide your products via Yahoo. Pricegrabber is a cost-per-click program just like Google, Yahoo and MSN. However instead of creating campaigns, ad groups, … [Read more...] about Increase Your PPC Ecommerce Sales with Yahoo! And Pricegrabber
PPC News Roundup for 1/8/2010
Google is definitely reaching new heights with their mobile ventures. Search Engine Land reported this week that Google is to introduce Click-to-Call (billing) in Ads on Mobile Devices. It will work much like the clicks to a website, except a click will lead to a phone call. Tis the season for resolutions, so here are 5 great ideas from Jason Tabeling of Search Engine Watch … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 1/8/2010
Our Greatest Hits for December 2009
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from December. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. Need to improve your quality scores and gain better PPC performance? Amber has put together 6 rules to achieve better quality … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for December 2009
5 PPC Resolutions for 2010
Since we're only a couple days away from the end of 2009 and many of us are working a short week this week, it seems like a good time to pull out a classic end of year cliche: the Resolution List! Like many people, I don't like New Year's resolutions. I usually don't make them, partly because choosing an arbitrary date - January 1st, for example - to begin making life changes … [Read more...] about 5 PPC Resolutions for 2010