Finally we’re getting more data about the search queries that trigger our ads to display in Google has had the search query report out for a while now, and Yahoo! has it but you have to request it personally from your Yahoo rep (if you have one). But now you can finally see raw search query data within your adCenter PPC account. Search query reports show you the … [Read more...] about Weed Out Unqualified Traffic with the Search Query Report from MSN adCenter
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PPC News Roundup for 11/6/2009
AdWords has made it even easier to track conversions. The tool has been redesigned and now includes 3 tabs – Conversions, Webpages and Code to help manage your data. Emily Williams at Inside AdWords gives a quick run down on each of the tabs. Ad copy is the first impression a potential customer has of your business, so it is an important part of your PPC campaign. As part of … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 11/6/2009
Our Greatest Hits for October 2009
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero's four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from October. Whether you're a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! Yahoo’s match types might seem a little confusing in the first place, but with the additional pressure of adding … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for October 2009
How to Fine Tune Your International Campaigns in AdWords
You always need to exercise caution when utilizing broad match in AdWords. This almost goes without saying, but I said it anyway. The scope of queries matched to each broad match keyword has grown over the past couple of years, especially with the introduction of Google's expanded broad match. Today, I will spin a cautionary tale about casting a wide keyword net within … [Read more...] about How to Fine Tune Your International Campaigns in AdWords
PPC News Roundup for 10/30/2009
It's finally here? Search Engine Roundtable suggested that the New Microsoft adCenter Desktop Beta is Coming November 6th. If you decide to test out the new application be sure to save your online adCenter account beforehand to avoid data loss. Search Engine Journal recently reviewed "KGEN" – the Keyword Generator from Firefox. The application allows you to quickly see which … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 10/30/2009
Learn More about SEM Rush- Sponsored Post
Wouldn’t it be great to know what keywords your competitors are using with just one click? What if with that same click you could also find estimated traffic and ad positioning or even see a list of your direct competitors? If you aspire to optimize your site without spending a lot of money and time, is the first and steady step to your success. Developed by the … [Read more...] about Learn More about SEM Rush- Sponsored Post
5 Tips To Save Money & Generate Additional Revenue with Ad Scheduling
I know that ad scheduling/day parting isn’t new to PPC, but I was recently at a marketing conference where the speaker mentioned he used ad scheduling for nearly every one of his clients. This got me thinking: why I don’t use ad scheduling more often or at least run a few daily/hourly reports to see if it’s a good idea? If you’re thinking about doing any kind of ad scheduling … [Read more...] about 5 Tips To Save Money & Generate Additional Revenue with Ad Scheduling
PPC News Roundup For 10/23/2009
I think not enough people take advantage of ad scheduling/day parting. There are lots of reasons to schedule your ads including this one from the folks at ROI Revolution: if people can't reach your company 24 hours a day, it might be hurting you to have your ads running at 3 AM. All internet advertising and marketing these days is about quickly, continuously, and transparently … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup For 10/23/2009
How to Use Negative Keywords in Yahoo! Search Marketing
Match types can be tricky, especially when it comes to adding negative match keywords. Negative match keywords (or keyword exclusions) are a very effective way to reduce the number of unqualified clicks on your ad. But negatives can get confusing, and often times a manager will inadvertently add a negative that prevents a targeted keyword from showing ads. To me, Google keyword … [Read more...] about How to Use Negative Keywords in Yahoo! Search Marketing
PPC News Roundup For 10/9/09
It is very important to choose the appropriate match type for your PPC campaign. Some accounts can thrive off exact match alone, while others need a good mix to drive the best traffic. Read about the pros and cons of each match type from Search Engine Land. This post from Brad Geddes, You are Not Your Target Market is one of the best posts I've … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup For 10/9/09
Our Greatest Hits for September 2009
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero's four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from September. Whether you're a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! Amber's post titled, 5 Tips on Passing the Google Adwords Qualified Professional Exam was our top post in … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for September 2009
PPC Hero News Roundup For 10/2/09
This week on Search Engine Watch, Tim Ash debunks the myth of achieving perfect conversion. Keeping this in mind, you may be able to analyze and revisit your conversion rate "ceiling." You can't convert 100% of your visitors, because some of them, no matter what you do, may never be prepared to take action. Even if you have keyword-rich ads and immaculately-structured … [Read more...] about PPC Hero News Roundup For 10/2/09