It seems as though Quality Score has fallen off the blog bandwagon here lately, but I’m here to say that the Quality Score and the Quality Index is still here and more important than ever. One big problem that I have seen in many new accounts that have either transitioned from other search marketing agencies or in-house employees is the inability to accurately determine when … [Read more...] about Kick Your Quality Scores Back Into Gear with a Few Ad Text Changes
Search Results for: google
Separating Match Types in AdWords: A Follow Up Post
My last article focused on separating your keyword match types into different campaigns. Today, I would like to discuss details on implementing this strategy, as well as clarify the benefits of separating match types into separate ad groups (not campaigns). As I mentioned previously, for robust accounts with optimized campaign structures, separating your match types for your … [Read more...] about Separating Match Types in AdWords: A Follow Up Post
Our Greatest Hits for June 2009
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero's four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from June. Whether you're a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! If you're not using competitive keyword research tools to learn about your competitors' keywords, you may be missing … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for June 2009
PPC News Roundup for Thursday 7/02/2009
Google Adwords clicks are actually accurate? According to the Inside Adwords blog theMedia Rating Council has accredited Adwords in regards to their click measurement systems. I didn't even know there was a Media Rating Council! They say Google's click measurement technology meets the industry standards for counting interactive advertising clicks and that it's processes … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for Thursday 7/02/2009
Break Out Your Yahoo Sponsored and Content Keywords with the Touch of a Button
There is a cool feature in the Yahoo! Search Marketing interface that allows you to separate your search network and content network distribution for any active ad group with only a few steps. Breaking out your sponsored search tactic from the content network in two separate ad groups helps you manage your bids better since they're more organized and it allows you to create … [Read more...] about Break Out Your Yahoo Sponsored and Content Keywords with the Touch of a Button
Separating Your Matches Types into Different Campaigns is a Bad Idea
We have inherited a couple PPC accounts recently that had some odd campaign structures. Within Google AdWords these accounts had the various match types (broad, phrase, exact) segregated into separate campaigns. Since I've now seen this a couple times, I think this campaign structure is worth commenting upon and discussing why it's a bad idea. First, let's explore the … [Read more...] about Separating Your Matches Types into Different Campaigns is a Bad Idea
PPC News Roundup for Friday 6/26/2009
If you wanna make some display ads for yourself…or your clients, but don’t really have the time, money, expertise: that’s okay! Yahoo is piloting a program that provides templates to help you in creating display ads and displaying them for a minimum of $30/day. Read Yahoo’s take on why you would want to run them, and how to get started. Hey! Apparently this has confused a … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for Friday 6/26/2009
Yahoo’s New Display Advertising – See How It Works
On Monday, Yahoo released their new display advertising for small and large businesses. Yahoo's display advertising program is identical to Google with a few twists. You can target your display ads geographically, demographically, and within specific content network placements. The funny thing about Yahoo's new display advertising is that it's not connected to your Yahoo … [Read more...] about Yahoo’s New Display Advertising – See How It Works
What to Expect When You Make a Global Change to Your PPC Account: Launching a New Website
You should think of this article as a "what to expect when you're expecting" in regards to launching a new website. More to the point, I will focus on the effects that launching a new website will have on your pay-per-click campaign. Okay, I'll just say it: you may break your PPC account. However, I want to discuss why making a global change to your PPC account is a big deal; … [Read more...] about What to Expect When You Make a Global Change to Your PPC Account: Launching a New Website
PPC News Roundup for June 16, 2009
Over at Website Magazine Peter Prestino has written an article on five PPC landing page design trends. These are not only trends but they are also best-practices when considering a landing page design. Good stuff. Have you seen the new AdWords bid simulator? It's not widely available yet but you should check your account to see if you qualify! If you do have access, Portent … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for June 16, 2009
Use Content Network Stats to Create High-Performing Placement Targeted Campaigns
The Google Content Network can be a great source of ROI, but it can also represent a great risk. The potential for great performance – and the potential for wasted budget – both come as a result of the network’s sheer scope. With such a wide variety of sites available for advertising, marketers can get great reach. But with that reach, of course, comes great potential for … [Read more...] about Use Content Network Stats to Create High-Performing Placement Targeted Campaigns
PPC Blog News Roundup for Friday 6/12/2009
Who said PPC isn’t good for branding? A study from eMarketer found that Senior-level Marketing Executives don’t see PPC as a good branding initiative. This response from Post-Click Marketing proves that you throw away a lot of money if you don’t consider branding through PPC campaigns. Anyone seen the Opportunities tab in Google AdWords? The folks over at the AdWords … [Read more...] about PPC Blog News Roundup for Friday 6/12/2009