A few months ago our Adwords reps told us about a new Adwords interface they're testing out and wanted to know if we would like to be a part of the beta. Of course we said yes, and today I'll show you what's different, how it works, and what I think is better or worse compared to the old interface. This is only part 1, so stay tuned next week for Part 2! Be sure to click on … [Read more...] about New AdWords Interface In Beta: See What’s New, Different and Better – Part 1
Search Results for: google
When Are Conversions Attributed to Your PPC Campaigns?
During our last blog series we discussed using the ad scheduling feature within Google AdWords to save time and money when managing a PPC campaign. That article sparked a few questions in regards to when a conversion is attributed within AdWords. In the previous post, we provided tactics for using the ad scheduling feature to automatically just your keyword bids, or completely … [Read more...] about When Are Conversions Attributed to Your PPC Campaigns?
PPC News Roundup for April 3, 2009
I hope you all enjoyed or at least survived the tomfoolery that permeates the interwebs every April 1st. I found most of the jokes to be fairly weak, but I did enjoy reddits "redesign", aka "reddigg". There were some other good ones, but I don't really care to remember them. Aprils a good month, so I thought I would give it props with another dosage of the weekly PPC news … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for April 3, 2009
Our Greatest Hits for March, 2009
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from March. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! The Google Quality Score in an enigma wrapped in a riddle tucked neatly inside question. Actually, it's not that … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for March, 2009
Enhance Your AdWords Content Network Performance By Trimming the Fat
Recently, I wrote an article on using the placement performance report within Google AdWords (and Amber recently wrote an article on trimming fat!). As a result of this article, there was a bit of discussion in regards to how granular the site exclusion tool can remove under performing websites from your campaign. I thought I would write a follow-up on this topic to discuss the … [Read more...] about Enhance Your AdWords Content Network Performance By Trimming the Fat
PPC Hero Answers: My Ads Aren’t Showing?
Question: My campaign has been up for three days with payment information submitted but i have received 0 impressions and 0 clicks. My ads aren't showing!?! When I click on the magnifying glass for certain keywords, the quality score is good (8/10). For one keyword, it says this keyword is not triggering our ad because the daily budget has already been exhausted. How can that … [Read more...] about PPC Hero Answers: My Ads Aren’t Showing?
New Tool in AdWords That Tells You Which Keywords Are Inactive
I came across this new tool in my Google AdWords campaign last Friday. When you’re in an AdWords campaign, right next to your ‘opportunities for improvement’ link at the top of the page, there is a link to the right of that which says, ‘Diagnose Keywords – New!’ I asked my AdWords Rep if indeed this tool is new, and she said it is, and it’s gradually rolling out for select … [Read more...] about New Tool in AdWords That Tells You Which Keywords Are Inactive
PPC News Roundup for March 27, 2009
Back! Had a great trip in Denver and Boulder, quite the beautiful area. Although, I did miss a big storm, as that came this week. I had to walk around in sunny, 70 degree weather. Woe is me. Enjoy the roundup this week. Brad Geddes gives us some good advice on how to benchmark your keyword quality scores against your competition. Make sure to note the initial quality score … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for March 27, 2009
5 Ways to “Cut the Fat” Out of your PPC account AND Your Body This Spring
I've decided to write a 2-in-1 post on cutting out the fat of your ppc account, and your body if you're interested in losing weight to shape up this spring. (Disclaimer: in no way, are my tips on cutting the fat from your body literal or endorsed by the food and drug administration:) With each point on cutting out the fat in your PPC account, I'll give you one pointer on … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to “Cut the Fat” Out of your PPC account AND Your Body This Spring
Results of Our Second Tier PPC Search Engine Survey
Recently we posted a survey that asked which second tier PPC search engine has generated the best results for you. The goal of this survey was to learn if PPC managers are venturing outside the realm of the "big 3" (i.e. Google, Yahoo, MSN) and if they are, which search engines have garnered the most positive results. Without further adieu, here are the results of the survey. … [Read more...] about Results of Our Second Tier PPC Search Engine Survey
PPC News Roundup for 3/20/2009
Just in case you haven't heard, Microsoft adCenter has upgraded their conversion tracking options. Read this post to get all the details and find out how to update the tracking code on your site. The Google AdWords Agency blog announced yesterday that you can now add in display ads with coupons in them. The coupon ads are new templates that are located in the display ad … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for 3/20/2009
How Can You Save Time and Money When Managing PPC? Use Ad Scheduling in AdWords!
Ad Scheduling within Google AdWords allows PPC managers to control the days and times their ads appear. As the final installment of our time saving blog series, today we will discuss how you can save time and money by utilizing this helpful AdWords tool. Utilizing your AdWords reports and your Analytics program, you may be able to determine when your ads perform best on … [Read more...] about How Can You Save Time and Money When Managing PPC? Use Ad Scheduling in AdWords!