The holiday season is quickly approaching. As I am still in Grad School (done in May, whew!), I have the pleasure of taking a two week break to visit my family and vacation. I hope the rest of you enjoy the holidays as well. Here's the roundup for this week. Scott Brinker over at the Post-Click Marketing blog has written a very interesting article on search marketing … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for December 12th, 2008
Search Results for: google
Long Term PPC Management – Learn How to Avoid Getting Stuck in a Rut
Managing a pay-per-click account long term is an interesting task, to say the least. Looking at the same account structure day in, day out and pulling the same reports each week takes its toll on the unsuspecting PPC manager. Without a supportive team or careful planning, it is pretty easy to get stuck in a rut! Sometimes that means you adopt a "set it and forget it" … [Read more...] about Long Term PPC Management – Learn How to Avoid Getting Stuck in a Rut
PPC News Roundup for December 5th, 2008
We have some helpful videos this week to spice up your life, as well as much adieu about Quality Score. I guess there's always adieu about Quality Score ... Anyways, read on. If you want to stay on top of the recent improvements to the calculation of Quality Score and what they mean for your clients, be sure to check out this post from Google. For all of those advertisers … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for December 5th, 2008
Vertical PPC Search Engines and User Intent
Here at PPC Hero, we generally talk about the Googles, Yahoos and MSNs of the world. With good reason too, that's where the bulk of traffic is and where you should spend most of your time. However, sometimes it makes sense to break out and try 2nd/3rd tier search engines – or better yet – vertical search engines. It all comes down to search intent. Over the past few years … [Read more...] about Vertical PPC Search Engines and User Intent
Our Greatest Hits for November!
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from November. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! Want to discover what aspects of the Google AdWords Quality Score are holding back your keywords? Learn how to … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for November!
PPC News Roundup for November 28th, 2008
I hope everyone is enjoying their turkey day break! Knock out that food coma from yesterday with a little Brain Age - PPC Hero style. Gobble Gobble! Jeremy Mayes at PPC Discussions has been keeping track of every AdWords ad he's clicked on over the past 60 days. After 100 clicks, he's realized that 110 of them landed on a dead (404 error) page! Simply amazing. Note to … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for November 28th, 2008
Ask PPC Hero! How Does a Weak Campaign Affect the Rest of Your AdWords Account?
We are doing some catch up with our reader submitted questions so today we are posting another "Ask PPC Hero" article! Recently, we received a question from Shweta, and here is what they asked: "If I keep bad performing campaigns and good performing campaigns in a single account, will they affect each other in any ways?" Good question! In a nutshell; yes, a poor performing … [Read more...] about Ask PPC Hero! How Does a Weak Campaign Affect the Rest of Your AdWords Account?
Ask PPC Hero! PPC Geo Targeting Best Practices
Last week, we received a question (well, a series of questions!) from a faithful reader regarding PPC geo targeting. Her questions were based off a post that I wrote last year, and were really focused on strategy. In lieu of responding only to her, I felt this would be a good excuse to recap some of the PPC geo targeting best practices! I set up a campaign, using different Ad … [Read more...] about Ask PPC Hero! PPC Geo Targeting Best Practices
PPC News Roundup For November 21st, 2008
Google has created a US search based keyword tool. Over at search engine round table they have posted a screen shot and the new features which includes keywords that you may not be advertising on that would possibly bring in a good ROI. Search Engine Land write that Microsoft says it's open to search-only deal with Yahoo!. The deal would consist of Yahoo outsourcing search … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup For November 21st, 2008
Can Parked Domains Drag Down Your PPC Click-Through Rate?
We recently came across someone on Twitter who asked if parked domains that show up in Google Adwords search results can bring down your PPC click-through rate. First things first, let's define what a parked domain is and how it's relevant to PPC. A parked domain is defined as a site that is undeveloped and belongs to a domain name registrar or a domain name holder. Google's … [Read more...] about Can Parked Domains Drag Down Your PPC Click-Through Rate?
PPC News Roundup For November 14th, 2008
Quite the week for PPC news if I do say so myself. We also have a ton of SEO news that can be found at our sidekick site, SEO Boy! Further, I would like to give two thumbs down to the turn to winter. If only PPC Hero had the ability to change the weather. I may have to look into that ... Anyways, here's the weekly goods: Sometimes trying to target the long tail can be … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup For November 14th, 2008
How to Find Customers That Aren’t Still Researching but Ready to Buy RIGHT NOW
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Chrismahanakwanza! Whichever holiday you celebrate, one thing is for certain – the end of November marks the beginning of the official holiday shopping season. As part of our week-long holiday shopping expose, today I'd like to share with you tips on laser-targeting potential customers with your bidding strategy! Whether you are assessing keywords and the … [Read more...] about How to Find Customers That Aren’t Still Researching but Ready to Buy RIGHT NOW