Need a refresher on MSN's dynamic text insertion process? Today's your lucky day. The adCenter blog walks you through the process and purpose of utilizing keyword insertion and dynamic insertion with {parem} functions. It's the worst sound in the PPC world - the "Google slap." MindValley Labs does a great job of breaking down the 4 primary causes of the Google slap and … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for September 24, 2008
Search Results for: google
PPC Hero Landing Page Critique Podcast:
We thought we would wrap up our landing page optimization series by posting a brand new landing page critique podcast! The goal of these podcasts is to give feedback on readers’ landing pages in order to help you make them better! Don’t forget, if you’d like to submit your landing page for our podcast series, you can read the details on how to submit right here. Today, we are … [Read more...] about PPC Hero Landing Page Critique Podcast:
Masters of Business Online – Internet Marketing Event
Masters of Business Online is hosting its second annual event on October 14! We're announcing it here on PPC Hero because 1) if you're in Indiana, this is a must-attend event for anyone even remotely serious about Internet marketing and 2) our president and CEO, Pat East, is speaking on search engine optimization (yes, the folks at PPC Hero know more than just PPC!). "MBO" is … [Read more...] about Masters of Business Online – Internet Marketing Event
Your Keywords Are No Longer “Inactive for Search”
Since the implementation of the Google Quality Score back in July of 2005, Google has received a lot of feedback regarding Quality Score. From this feedback over the past years Google has decided to make a noteworthy change to their Quality Score system. The big change is that keywords are no longer ‘inactive for search' and require a minimum bid to become active again. Now … [Read more...] about Your Keywords Are No Longer “Inactive for Search”
PPC News Roundup for September 17, 2008
Over on Search Engine Land Brad Geddes has written a good post on the top three search engine payment options for PPC. We think it's good for people to read over this and to learn their options on how they should pay their PPC bills. Brad talks about the levels of risk for each payment option but also goes into the rewards details. A lot of people don't know about invoicing and … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for September 17, 2008
Book Give Away Follow Up: Thanks To Everyone!
We'd like to thank everyone who has responded to our book give away. The response was overwhelming! In fact, we gave away all 25 copies of Always Be Testing in about the first 5 hours. So, the kind folks at the Google Website Optimizer Blog kindly increased the number of free books to a total of 50 copies! And they are all gone! Again, we would like to thank Google Website … [Read more...] about Book Give Away Follow Up: Thanks To Everyone!
Discover 5 Landing Page Design Changes that Build Authority and Boost Conversions
Welcome to day 1 of our PPC landing page optimization series. What better way to kick things off than to discuss landing page design and layout? For today's topic, think of a landing page's design and layout as the pieces of bread that keep the juicy calls-to-action, headlines and body content together for your customers to devour (landing page sandwich, yummy). The goal of … [Read more...] about Discover 5 Landing Page Design Changes that Build Authority and Boost Conversions
Get Your Free Copy of “Always Be Testing” by Bryan Eisenberg
Update: Thanks for everyone who participated in the book give away. All of the copies have been claimed and will be shipped out soon. The kind folks over at the Google Website Optimizer Blog dropped us a line to say that they are looking forward to this week's blog series on landing pages. In fact, they would like to offer some additional information on landing page testing as … [Read more...] about Get Your Free Copy of “Always Be Testing” by Bryan Eisenberg
Conversion Rates Have You Down? Our 5 Day Landing Page Series is the Cure
There's nothing worse than realizing you're sick. The same goes for that brick in your stomach after discovering your landing page conversion rates have plummeted. Either way, you have a job to do. Seek out a cure, a PPC panacea, anything to turn things around and make you feel better. We're not medical professionals, so we won't offer any cold remedies. But we are PPC … [Read more...] about Conversion Rates Have You Down? Our 5 Day Landing Page Series is the Cure
PPC Hero Interview with Allie Edwards Williams of Zvents
What better way to learn about PPC than to hear about experiences from those "in the trenches?" At least that's how we feel around here at PPC Hero. When my boss (of Hanapin Marketing) Pat East was at SMX Local last month, he found some outspoken PPCer's and convinced them to give us interviews. The following is the result of one of those interviews, and it is full of great … [Read more...] about PPC Hero Interview with Allie Edwards Williams of Zvents
PPC News Roundup for September 10, 2008
Mike Mothner from has written a great post on ways to supercharge your landing pages. Some ways he mentions include keeping your contact form simple, don't let your users get distracted and what I think may be the most important tip, Mike says to tell users they have found what they are looking for right away. The folks at Website Magazine have compiled a list … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for September 10, 2008
Interview with Elise Richardson from
The following is an interview Pat East, President of Hanapin Marketing conducted with Elise Richardson, who manages search for The two of them met at the recent SMX summit. Elise has some very interesting insights into how she manages her PPC account. Pat: Can you tell us your name, title, organization, what mywebgrocer does, what you do on a daily … [Read more...] about Interview with Elise Richardson from