This week we've been dissecting the Google AdWords Quality Score. Each day we have been pulling back the layers of the ever-expanding Quality Score. Hopefully, all of the information we've been providing has been helpful and will allow you enhance your campaign's performance. However, be cautious because as you optimize your account in order to improve your AdWords Quality … [Read more...] about Avoid the AdWords Quality Score Slap: How to Make Common Changes to Your Account Without Damaging Your Quality Score
Search Results for: google
PPC News Roundup for August 6, 2008
We all know the pains associated with broad match keywords that may have no relation to what you are actually targeting in your PPC campaigns. The folks over at offer up some useful strategies to counter this issue. We typically employ negative keywords as the weapon against these broad match keywords. This post outlines what negative keywords are useful and what … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for August 6, 2008
How to Determine if Your Landing Page is Hurting Your AdWords Qualty Score
Almost every aspect of your Google AdWords account has an effect on your Quality Score and this week we are dissecting the minute details of the Quality Score. In order to optimize your campaign as much as possible, every element has to be firing on all cylinders. You can't let any one piece slow you down. One aspect of the Quality Score that may not get much attention but it's … [Read more...] about How to Determine if Your Landing Page is Hurting Your AdWords Qualty Score
Our Greatest Hits for July!
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from July. Whether you’re a new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! We've discussed custom URL tagging for use with Google Analytics several times on PPC Hero. But this was … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for July!
How To Grow Your PPC Campaign Organically
PPC management can move at break-neck speed. A PPC campaign can see immediate results, and you can manage your campaign at this rate. This is truly remarkable. Never has a marketing tool of this power been unleashed where you can test your messaging, get real user responses, and adjust accordingly in almost real-time. However, I've learned with some campaigns that I need to … [Read more...] about How To Grow Your PPC Campaign Organically
PPC News Roundup for July 30, 2008
Ever consider venturing away from the main PPC search engines - Google, Yahoo, and MSN? Perhaps you've been intrigued with the re-branding and launch of, formerly Could this help drive the niche traffic you're looking for? Perhaps not says George Kepnick over at PPC blog. George gives his firsthand experience with their PPC advertising service. Rand at … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for July 30, 2008
PPC News Roundup for July 23, 2008
What are your thoughts on the new Google Adwords Keyword Tool? Andrew Goodman from finds after much talk from disbelievers that he does think the Google tool provides good information on many different fronts. Get super selling copy writing skills from Marketing With Chris Imamshah. This copy can be used in your PPC ad text and landing pages to help increase … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for July 23, 2008
Are Your Keywords Not Showing Due to “Low Search Volume”?
The other day I had an ad group that hadn't received any impressions, clicks or leads in a month. When I scrolled over the ad diagnostics tool it said: Ad showing? No The keyword phrase you've entered has a low search volume and isn't showing any of your ads. If more users start searching for your keyword, your ad will begin to show. You don't need to do anything. However, … [Read more...] about Are Your Keywords Not Showing Due to “Low Search Volume”?
PPC News Roundup for July 15, 2008
Scott over at Post-Click Marketing Blog frequently conjures very interesting metaphors for search marketing, and I love a good metaphor! In this post, Scott draws comparisons from post-notes and billboard and how they are a reflection of your PPC campaign elements. Ashley over at Online Marketing blog has written a solid article on 5 Tips for Driving Qualified Traffic with … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for July 15, 2008
Yahoo Reserve Market Price Killed My Campaign
Back in February, Yahoo announced that they would be instituting a reserve market price for their keywords. Basically, this means they now have minimum bid standards for their keywords. This seems like a reasonable tactic to employ to ensure the quality of advertising within their paid listings. For the most part, this new system hadn't seriously affected our campaigns until … [Read more...] about Yahoo Reserve Market Price Killed My Campaign
PPC News Roundup for July 9, 2008
Looking to be a guest blogger on a popular SEM blog? Look no further! Michael Gray from Graywolf's SEO blog is looking to accept guest posts to his blog. He only has a few requirements; the post must be educational, informative or entertaining and must have correct grammar! Arnold from Search Engine Journal writes about Google's new keyword tool including search volume data … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for July 9, 2008
Tell Us Your Best PPC Success Story & Win Great Prizes!
Have a great success story you would like to share with other PPC advertisers? We want to hear it! If your PPC account was once suffering a poor ROI, low click volume or too high a cost-per-lead, etc. but is now performing well, we want to know what you did to get it to perform well and how you did it! We’re collecting entries for the best PPC success story and the winner … [Read more...] about Tell Us Your Best PPC Success Story & Win Great Prizes!