Jeremey Mays from PPC Discussions posts a very helpful and insightful Adwords Quality Score FAQ. Questions range from 'how can I improve my quality score?' to 'is having flash on my site bad for my quality score?' Matt Lester at Search Engine Land has stripped down a successful search marketing campaign down to the basics. Sure, this post is general and each of these 10 topics … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for March 12, 2008
Search Results for: google
2 Major Reasons Why You Should Run a Search Query Report Today!
The search query report was introduced in Google Adwords last summer. The report shows performance data for the actual search queries that triggered your ads. You can easily run the report in your Google Adwords account by simply going to the reports tab, and selecting Search Query Performance Report. If you've run a search query report in Google Adwords you very well may be … [Read more...] about 2 Major Reasons Why You Should Run a Search Query Report Today!
Save Time in AdWords – Copy Your Campaign Settings
For a while now, Google's AdWords Editor has made PPC campaign management a snap. Whether it's the click and drag capabilities or the ability to copy entire campaigns with simple copy and paste functions, the Editor has been a breath of fresh air in my daily PPC workload. However, I don't always work in the editor. **Gasp!** Occasionally, I still work in the AdWords … [Read more...] about Save Time in AdWords – Copy Your Campaign Settings
PPC News Roundup for March 6, 2008
Shimon Sandler from gives 8 methods for tracking phone conversions through search advertising. A few methods include: Creating a unique landing page with a unique 800# and to generate a unique "promo code" by placing all your keywords in a database and assign them an individual ID. It is often difficult to determine how decreasing or increasing your daily … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for March 6, 2008
Adwords Automated Matching Beta: Another Ploy to Get Our Money?
In February Dan from wrote on the new Google Adwords Automatic Matching feature that is now in beta. While Dan firmly disapproves of this new feature, I find it difficult to form an opinion until I try it for myself. I do however agree with Dan on the issue that Google could be advertising for keywords that would not drive the most targeted traffic to your … [Read more...] about Adwords Automated Matching Beta: Another Ploy to Get Our Money?
Our Greatest Hits for February!
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from February. Whether you’re a new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! Anytime Google or Yahoo makes an algorithmic or editorial guideline change that effects … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for February!
International PPC Campaigns: How to Target Outside the US With Success
Today is the third day in our week long series on advanced PPC strategies. According to a Search Marketing Now webinar, 75% of the world’s searches are performed outside of North America. That’s a large number, which tells me there is a lot of opportunity to reach additional customers, to increase traffic, and revenue. Targeting outside North America does require a specific … [Read more...] about International PPC Campaigns: How to Target Outside the US With Success
PPC, Trademark Laws, and Copyright Laws: How to Play Fair and Still Win
This week we are exploring advanced PPC strategies, and bidding on branded keywords is a regularly debated tatic. According to a study conducted by Hitwise, one in seven brand searches do not end up at the searched-for brand's website. This is an indication of a number of search trends: Bidding on branded keywords, your own as well as those of your competitors, is absolutely … [Read more...] about PPC, Trademark Laws, and Copyright Laws: How to Play Fair and Still Win
PPC News Roundup for February 20, 2008
The YSM blog suggests three questions to ask about your clicks when you see an unexpected surge in traffic: Have you changed anything recently? Have you noticed abnormal click activity (by reviewing logs, etc.)? Have you set a daily spending limit? This is a good reminder from Yahoo on the importance of carefully reviewing the traffic you receive from PPC and taking the … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for February 20, 2008
Use Demographics To Geographically Target Your PPC Ads
A number of my PPC campaigns are geographically targeted, as I'm sure many of your PPC campaigns are as well. For these campaigns I adhere to my list of best PPC practices: ad text testing, bid management, keyword research, content optimization, and the list goes on and on. Every month I strive to expand my campaigns' reach, but within a prescribed geographic radius. Recently, … [Read more...] about Use Demographics To Geographically Target Your PPC Ads
Advanced PPC Strategies: What Do You Want to Read About?
In searching through our web stats today, the category "Advanced PPC Strategies" ranks as one of the top 10 pieces of content on our blog. All time, it's the 4th most viewed piece. Clearly, you're interested in it! So, we're making one of our next blog post series about just that—Advanced PPC Strategies! Our last two blog post series were extremely well-read—one … [Read more...] about Advanced PPC Strategies: What Do You Want to Read About?
PPC News Roundup for February 6, 2008
As you may, or may not, know the Google content network is a mysterious beast. It can certainly generate a great wealth of traffic, but that traffic isn't always of the highest quality. However, if you can achieve the right balance of appearing on the content network while maintaining a positive ROI, then you're ahead of the game. I think we do a pretty good job of … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for February 6, 2008