2007 saw the birth of PPC Hero! He fights for truth, justice, higher click-through rates, lower cost-per-clicks, enhanced conversion rates, better quality scores, and the American way. This week we are doing some reviewing and summarization of the past year; and I think PPC Hero definitely leaped a few buildings in a single bound as well as outran some speeding trains (IMO). … [Read more...] about Our Top 10 PPC Hero Blog Posts of 2007
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What We Did to Make it Work: 3 Account Management Achievements in 2007
In the PPC world, you will run into a lot of tips on how to improve or grow your accounts. Something we find is missing are real case studies; Discussing what the problem was, how you found the problem and what you did to fix or improve the account we feel can help new PPC'ers as well as veteran PPC'ers. Below each member of the PPC team has picked and discussed their most … [Read more...] about What We Did to Make it Work: 3 Account Management Achievements in 2007
Top 5 PPC Developments That Made News in 2007
The year of the boar, otherwise known as 2007, was a year to remember. Whether you followed the dilly-dallying of Britney Spears, the screen writer's strike or the feud between 50 Cent and Kanye West, 2007 offered something for everyone! All entertainment gossip aside, this past year was also huge for PPC. All three of the major search engines made strides in advancing their … [Read more...] about Top 5 PPC Developments That Made News in 2007
Our Greatest Hits for December!
The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s four most visited, and hopefully most valuable, articles from December. Whether you’re a new subscriber or a current subscriber you may have missed these insightful and helpful pay-per-click management tips. Enjoy! Looking for a one-time campaign tune up? Yahoo!’s new campaign tune up tool gives … [Read more...] about Our Greatest Hits for December!
You Will Never Write the Perfect Ad Text, but Here Are 2 Ways To Keep Getting Closer
This week we have been exploring how to catch more clicks and conversions by writing better ad texts. Our tackle box has been filled the tools to help (just to name a few): Write benefit-driven ad text Use promotional offers and calls-to-action Qualify our leads as much as possible But let's be honest; even with all of these tactics at your disposal, you will never write … [Read more...] about You Will Never Write the Perfect Ad Text, but Here Are 2 Ways To Keep Getting Closer
How to Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion to Hook Customers
So far this week, we have discussed the best practices for writing great PPC ad texts. The ideas presented have thus far focused on writing techniques, not necessarily search engine provided tools. However, today I'd like to discuss one of the most powerful tools provided to advertisers: Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI). DKI is a way to write your ad so that a user's actual … [Read more...] about How to Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion to Hook Customers
PPC News Roundup for December 19, 2007
Previously in MSN's adCenter, you had to control your spending through a monthly budget. With a recent set of updates, it is now possible to set both a daily and maximum monthly budget. Thank you MSN! The PPC Blog provided this list of 13 Pay Per Click Myths. This list does a great job of breaking down some of the most common misperceptions, such as: the need to rank #1, … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for December 19, 2007
Catch More Clicks and Conversions with Better Ad Text: Use the Right Lures!
Our quest to make better PPC accounts for everyone continues! In our previous series we have expanded your view on the AdWords Quality Score, and we have revitalized and re-invigorated your PPC campaign in 5 days. This time around we will help you catch more clicks and conversions with better ad texts by using the right lures! The internet is like an ocean. There are little … [Read more...] about Catch More Clicks and Conversions with Better Ad Text: Use the Right Lures!
Take Back Control of Your Ad Rank in AdWords
With all of the quality score initiatives that have been implemented by AdWords it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine exactly where your PPC ad will appear on any given search engine results page (SERP). Believe it or not, this quality-based ranking system is a step in the right direction, but this evolution has left some search engine marketers in the dark in … [Read more...] about Take Back Control of Your Ad Rank in AdWords
More Quick Fixes for Your PPC Account: Get More Clicks
Recently, my colleague, John, discussed some quick fixes for your PPC account. His article focused on low conversions, low quality conversions, and low quality score. Today, I will focus on three additional issues that can arise when managing a PPC account: low click-through rate, low traffic and low ad position. Low Click-through Rate Before you can worry about your … [Read more...] about More Quick Fixes for Your PPC Account: Get More Clicks
PPC News Roundup for December 5, 2007
Greg Meyers at SEMGeek recently posted about the AdWords reporting tool: Impression share. He has followed this post with an interesting question: AdWords Impression Share Exact Match: Fact or Fiction? Greg doesn't determine the factual or fictional status of this report, but he does draw another conclusion: Google wants you to spend more money by using more broad match … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for December 5, 2007
Quick Fixes to Some of PPC’s Most Common Problems: Part One
When you're first starting out in pay-per-click advertising, there is a tremendous learning curve. You have to discover the inner workings of 3 (sometimes more) different PPC advertising platforms. There is the trial and error of figuring out which tools and methods work for your particular account. And then there is learning how to react to the myriad of issues that can … [Read more...] about Quick Fixes to Some of PPC’s Most Common Problems: Part One