Recently, I wrote about diversifying your search marketing campaign and exploring new territory. Initiating search marketing campaigns in a handful of alternative search engines can be beneficial for numerous reasons (see list of said reasons in previous post!). However, in order for this strategy to benefit your overall campaign, you need to get these alternative search … [Read more...] about Has AdBrite Worked Well For You? If So, Share Your Secret!
Search Results for: google
25 Possible Reasons Why Your PPC Campaigns are Failing
Below I’ve listed 25 possible reasons why your PPC campaigns may be failing, or at least hurting. While some are light hearted, some are to be taken seriously. I’ve included links to blog posts from PPC Hero as well as other industry specific blogs to further assist you in achieving success for your PPC campaigns. There are many more reasons why your PPC campaigns … [Read more...] about 25 Possible Reasons Why Your PPC Campaigns are Failing
PPC News Roundup for October 3, 2007
Jeremy Mays over at PPC Discussions is finally putting Adwords Campaign Optimizer versus a manual campaign optimization to the test. He has given his first few days stats which aren’t favoring the automatic campaign optimizer. So far, conversions are down, costs are up. Ross Dunn from Search Engine Guide gives tips on how to perform PPC keyword research before … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for October 3, 2007
PPC News Roundup for September 27, 2007
Network Solutions and Ingenio, Inc. present a unique advertising method called Pay-Per-Call which will be launched at the end of the month. It allows Network Solutions customers to create a text ad, place a cost-per-call bid, and those ads will be advertised to consumers who are searching for local businesses and wish to interact with a live person. This article from Search … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for September 27, 2007
How the Heroes Premiere Showcases Paid Search Usage by ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC
Tonight is the premiere for Season 2 of the very popular TV series, Heroes. Being the PPC "Hero" that I am, I thought it fitting to see how well NBC has used paid search in their advertising efforts gearing up to the new season. Are they ranking for key terms? Are they dominating the "big three" search engines? My first test was to search on keyword: Heroes. NBC crowds the … [Read more...] about How the Heroes Premiere Showcases Paid Search Usage by ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC
PPC News Roundup for September 19, 2007
John W Ellis discusses how you can reverse engineer your marketing message development. Instead of developing a new brand/product message, and then inserting it into your PPC campaign; you should test your possible messages within your PPC campaign and let your audience decide which one appeals to them most. Then take this data apply it to your SEM/SEO and offline marketing … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for September 19, 2007
9 Mistakes When Creating Ad Text
Set it and forget it doesn’t work when it comes to ad text. Whether in Google Adwords, Yahoo! Or MSN Adcenter, creating attention getting and effective ad text is critical to the success and growth of your account. Below I’ve listed the top 9 common mistakes advertisers can make when it comes to writing ad text. No call to action: Never leave the customer hanging! Its … [Read more...] about 9 Mistakes When Creating Ad Text
Diversify Your Campaign and Explore New Search Territory
Giving your AdWords or Yahoo account a jolt is a good start to revitalizing your PPC campaign, but that doesn't have to be your only strategy. I know it's difficult to get out from under the shadow of AdWords but there are other search engines that can generate supplemental traffic and conversions. Diversifying your PPC ad distribution can have very beneficial effects on your … [Read more...] about Diversify Your Campaign and Explore New Search Territory
Need Ideas? Let the Competition Give You a Hand!
Has your creative well run dry? Do you feel like your PPC ads have lost their kick, or their punch? When reviewing your landing pages do you have the urge to try something new, but you're just not certain in which direction to go? Don't worry, everyone gets blocked at times. There is a plethora of ideas waiting to inspire you! You just just need to look in the right place - … [Read more...] about Need Ideas? Let the Competition Give You a Hand!
PPC News Roundup for September 12, 2007
Tiz the Season to Optimize for the Holidays is a great post listing seven ways you can increase traffic and conversions just by focusing on Holiday themes. A few examples are to call out gift card sales and gifts under $25 in your ad text. It also says to decorate your landing pages for a holiday theme. Check keyword research tools for past search terms; these can go back as … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for September 12, 2007
Thinking Negatively Can Yield Positive Results – The Impact of Negative Keywords
The third series in our Revitalize your PPC Campaign in 5 Days is using negative keywords to weed out unqualified traffic, control your spend, and only trigger your ads to show towards more qualified traffic. Negative keywords are used to weed out unwanted or irrelevant traffic to your campaign. These are keywords, terms and phrases within your ad group that you don’t … [Read more...] about Thinking Negatively Can Yield Positive Results – The Impact of Negative Keywords
The Secret to Success May Lie in Your Settings
Today's topic: The Secret. Ok, so I'm not going to start rattling off the hidden truths to eternal happiness. But I may just provide a tiny bit of relief for you and your PPC campaigns! In continuation of our goal to "Revitalize Your PPC Campaign in 5 Days," today I'm going to concentrate on account settings. Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and MSN adCenter all have … [Read more...] about The Secret to Success May Lie in Your Settings