One of the first steps you should take to Revitalize your PPC Campaign is to review your account structure and organization. Better organization within your PPC account not only means you can manage your campaigns and ad groups easier, but delivering more relevant ads to your customers; If you’re serving highly targeted, relevant ads to your audience, your click-through … [Read more...] about Un-Clutter & Optimize Your Account with Better Organization
Search Results for: google
Keywords Inactive? They Might Be Ahead of Their Time!
Around our office we've been discussing the definitions for various keyword status' within AdWords. We've deciphered three tiers of keyword status: Active and displaying ads Rejected and not displaying ads Active but not displaying ads The first two are not difficult to understand: either your keyword is approved or it isn't. Very simple. It is the third status that can be … [Read more...] about Keywords Inactive? They Might Be Ahead of Their Time!
PPC News Roundup for September 6, 2007
Apparently George Kepnick from Pay-Per-Click hates and finds the traffic "worthless". George writes an interesting blog on his email to basically demanding a refund for the irrelevant traffic that blew through his budget in a matter of hours. He has the links to prove it! Need serious help writing ad copy? Forget the Google Adwords ad text ideas tool … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for September 6, 2007
Breakdown of Top Ad Placement: Before and After
Google's Top Ad Placement formula change took effect last Wednesday. Within 2 days of the shift, I began to read posts like this one where advertisers began calling out negative effects to their AdWords accounts with no hard data to back it up. The entire team here at PPC Hero felt that we needed to analyze our own data before deciding to agree or disagree. To test, I chose … [Read more...] about Breakdown of Top Ad Placement: Before and After
Recommended Posts
Welcome to PPC Hero’s Recommended Posts! Our mission is to educate and inform our readers on the ever-changing world of Pay-Per-Click management. The posts you see below are our "Greatest Hits" thus far. We love all of our posts equally, but we feel that these special ones are our most helpful, original and thought-provoking. This list will be updated as we continue to … [Read more...] about Recommended Posts
PPC News Roundup for August 24, 2007
The content network in Google Adwords is still a mystery for a lot of PPC experts. Seoptimize has written a nice post on 5 common mistakes most people make when it comes to using Adwords content network. However I find it's easy to get confused by reading this post. The first 3 are actual mistakes one can make, the last 2 are definitely "Do's" regarding the use of the content … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for August 24, 2007
Landing Pages Should Be Made For Humans and Machines
There has been a lot of chatter recently regarding what kind of relationship your landing page has to your AdWords quality score. Without a doubt your landing page is one of most important (if not the most important) aspects of your PPC campaign. Each landing page is assigned a quality score which crucial to your overall score - however, there are a myriad of factors that … [Read more...] about Landing Pages Should Be Made For Humans and Machines
PPC News Roundup for August 17, 2007
Fitting a clear, concise message within the allotted 70 characters of a PPC advertisement is always challenge. However, the AdCenter blog has posted some very helpful information on ad composition. Be specific, direct and professional are just a tips they give, and I agree. They also discuss how you can exclude your ad from users by clearly stating who you want to click on your … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for August 17, 2007
Jeremy Mayes, from PPC Discussions has this to say
Jeremy Mayes is a well known blogger in the PPC industry. Today he shares with us his thoughts and opinions on hot topics in the PPC world. Q: Do you foresee any advancements occurring in the next year that will change the way people manage their PPC accounts? A: Yes, over the next 12 months I believe Google will add features that support rule based management of campaigns … [Read more...] about Jeremy Mayes, from PPC Discussions has this to say
How To Dominate The Last 2 Days of the Month
I have a few questions to pose to you: How often do you hit your PPC budget before the end of the month? If so, how far in advance have you hit your budget: a day, perhaps two, maybe three? If this has happened to your campaigns before, wouldn't this happen to other campaigns as well? Perhaps even your competitors' campaigns? These questions lead me to meditate on a new … [Read more...] about How To Dominate The Last 2 Days of the Month
AdWords Top Ad Placement Formula Is Set for a Facelift
Upon logging into my AdWords accounts this morning, I was greeted with an alert: "Coming Soon: Improvement to the Top Ad Placement Formula." Quickly thereafter I found the official FAQ and AdWords Blog announcement to fill in the gaps. The current formula involves Quality Score and your actual CPC. Google feels that this leaves you, the advertiser, without much control over … [Read more...] about AdWords Top Ad Placement Formula Is Set for a Facelift
PPC News Roundup for August 8, 2007
An article by Brad Geddes talks about how to minimize click fraud by blocking low quality traffic. In the article you will learn how to block your ads from showing in certain countries, how to block competitors from clicking on your ads, see which content network sites are sending you traffic, how to keep yourself from showing for keyword searches, how to block content network … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for August 8, 2007