Check out Marketing Pilgrims Free eBook on SEO, PPC and social media marketing advice. Be aware of your content network ads - they could be bringing in accidental clicks. Here's how to avoid them from PPC Blog UK. Search Engine Optimization tips from Search Engine Land for seasonal/one-time-only event promotion websites. We are always looking to diversify our search … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for July 11, 2007
Search Results for: google
Two Paths to Lead Generation: Part One – Churn & Burn
In my next two posts we will discuss two distinct approaches to lead generation. In this first post I will touch on how to generate as many leads/conversions as possible, regardless of where they fall in the hierarchy of lead quality (known as "churn and burn"). This approach to lead generation is much like how a chain restaurant operates: everyone is welcome, so please come on … [Read more...] about Two Paths to Lead Generation: Part One – Churn & Burn
Top 6 Settings to Check When Starting a New Adwords Account
You've done your keyword research, you've given thought to your ad copy and you've even scoped out your competitor's ads and position: now you're ready to set up your own PPC account and let the sparks fly. Admittedly, setting up my first PPC account was a formidable experience. As such, I'm taking it upon myself to spill the beans on the best practices for setting up accounts … [Read more...] about Top 6 Settings to Check When Starting a New Adwords Account
PPC News Roundup for July 6, 2007
Looking to diversify beyond Google, Yahoo and MSN's PPC services? Look no further. This is an enlightening piece that outlines the many pitfalls of using shopping search engines, and what they need to do to come out of the dark ages. On Steve L 's PPC blog he talks about four very important mistakes one can make when testing ad text. One small step for MSN, one … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for July 6, 2007
5 PPC Questions Answered by Evan Roberts from
Evan Roberts is a well-known blogger in the pay-per-click industry. His blog, focuses on paid search and provides actionable analysis and insight into the world of PPC. Evan has been actively managing paid search for four years now. In addition to paid search Evan has extensive experience in search engine optimization and affiliate marketing. We've chosen Even … [Read more...] about 5 PPC Questions Answered by Evan Roberts from
The Top 3 Challenges Facing the PPC Industry
Here at PPC Hero, we are always discussing the future of our industry. This ongoing discussion serves to illuminate the future of our livelihood, but it also serves to keep our clients' best interests at heart. To perform the best that we possibly can and to remain competitive, we must always be conscious of what is coming down the line! After reading articles on the … [Read more...] about The Top 3 Challenges Facing the PPC Industry
YSM’s Quirky Little Feature, Optimize Ad Display
It is a difficult task to try and deny the progress Yahoo!'s Panama interface has made from the Overture days of the not-so-distant past. As a matter of fact, it simply may be impossible. In the months since its launch, I've grown to trust the new look, feel and usability of Yahoo!'s new advertising platform. Along the way I've been able to laugh, cry and learn right along … [Read more...] about YSM’s Quirky Little Feature, Optimize Ad Display
PPC News Roundup for June 27, 2007
A post on Seroundtable talks about a company whose offering services to damage your competitors search engine rankings and protect your own…is this for real?! We know that search is a complex beast, but we keep learning just how complex it is. Let your fingers do the walking: revamps its site and this could help your local search … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for June 27, 2007
6 Ways to Increase Your PPC Traffic
Whether your goals are to drive sales, leads or sign-ups, increasing traffic to your site is one action you can take to get closer to your goals. Below I've described six ways I was able to increase traffic for my clients without spending additional money. And in turn, I was able to generate more leads and revenue for my clients. Stop Ad Text Testing, Temporarily - If it's … [Read more...] about 6 Ways to Increase Your PPC Traffic
PPC News Roundup for June 20, 2007
Often the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you predict will occur, says on Landing Page Best Practices. Free commercial ad server for publishers, what? A post mentioned that Exponential announced today a free commercial ad server for publishers, claiming the solution offers functions normally reserved for powerful and costly "industrial strength" platforms. … [Read more...] about PPC News Roundup for June 20, 2007
Cross-Channel Tracking Explained
We all know that the majority of searches and subsequent PPC traffic derives from the big boys, Google and Yahoo!. For the most part we also know that it can make a great deal of sense to utilize MSN and in our advertising efforts. From there, the list of alternative search engines continues to grow. Considering up and coming stars like, Adbrite, … [Read more...] about Cross-Channel Tracking Explained
How to Set Up Your Account
Last Friday I posted 7 reasons why retailers should advertise on Today I'd like to go into a little more in detail and show you how to set up your account. As previously mentioned in my last blog, owns So you only have to set up your account once in in order to have your products posted on both shopping … [Read more...] about How to Set Up Your Account