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Search Results for: google
Google Is Adding Buttons To Your Display Network Text Ads.
Google announced a change coming to text ads on the Google Display Network, rolling out this week. There will now be a clickable arrow button, as well as slight optimizations to font size, spacing and text layout. Seen here: Apparently the color of the buttons will be in the same pallette color you've chosen for your ad units. The article says,"For instance, if the … [Read more...] about Google Is Adding Buttons To Your Display Network Text Ads.
Introduction to Google Tag Manager
Ever had issues keeping track of which tracking codes go where? Whether it’s Google Analytics, Bing, AdWords or remarketing, the simple truth is that there are a lot of different snippets you need to keep track of these days. That’s where Google Tag Manager comes to help out! What’s the scoop? Google Tag Manager was launched back in October as a way to keep all of your tags … [Read more...] about Introduction to Google Tag Manager
Update: Google Impression Share Reporting Changes Live
It's finally here! As mentioned in a previous news update, Google has been hard at work updating AdWords Impression Share reporting. As of November 7th, that work has finally come to the PPC general public as detailed on the AdWords Blog here. If this particular change caught you unawares, then you'll need to be updated on the new features, and more importantly - the biggest … [Read more...] about Update: Google Impression Share Reporting Changes Live
Save a Little Time for the Rest of Time with Shortcuts from Google Analytics
Google Analytics have a new feature in beta that is super helpful and super easy to use. Shortcuts allow you to save a few seconds for every report you look at within analytics, including sorting, secondary dimensions and any other small changes that you don't think about making on a daily basis. Robert Altman's Short Cuts now has competition for the title of best thing named … [Read more...] about Save a Little Time for the Rest of Time with Shortcuts from Google Analytics
Google Economic Stats — A Comprehensive Analysis by Wordstream
Last week, Google released its "disappointing" Q3 advertising revenues (up 3% from Q2 and up 16% year-on-year.) To shed some light on how Google's advertising revenues reached a whopping $10.8 billion in Q3, our friends at WordStream have undertaken a comprehensive analysis of the performance of Google AdWords during the quarter. WordStream researched over $1 billion dollars … [Read more...] about Google Economic Stats — A Comprehensive Analysis by Wordstream
Google’s latest earnings report woes to have an impact on the future of PPC?
In case you hadn't heard the big news, Google’s latest earnings report was accidentally released 4 hours early when RR Donnelly (the firm who prints Google’s financial documents) filed the reports during trading hours by mistake. The big news is that almighty Google’s net profits fell 20% from last year to $2.18 billion. Investors reacted badly to the news and $22 billion … [Read more...] about Google’s latest earnings report woes to have an impact on the future of PPC?
Who Are The Others? Google’s Frustrating Search Term Report
Do you ever feel like Google aren't telling you everything? Much like Jack Shephard in ABC’s hit TV show Lost, PPC folk have to spend a lot of time wondering about ‘the others’. I’m of course referring to this little gem from the ‘see search terms’ report: You can also find it happily in the Placements report: So what gives? What is Google not telling you about … [Read more...] about Who Are The Others? Google’s Frustrating Search Term Report
Google Display and Placement Fraud – Is Your Money Being Wasted?
The Google Display Network is nearly the whole internet. If you're on auto targeting, even with some contextual keywords, it's going to get crazy. There's obviously always going to be click fraud, which is just like the click fraud you deal with in your Search Network campaigns. But, something I encountered for the first time recently was placement fraud. Now, I've seen MFA's … [Read more...] about Google Display and Placement Fraud – Is Your Money Being Wasted?
Google Makes a Big Impression and Bing Adds Sitelinks
You can already do some pretty interesting stuff with the existing Google Impression Share data – my favorite of which, having been taught by Jeff Allen and Sean Quadlin, is reverse engineering your potential maximum budget based on lost Impression Share. Imagine then, if you will, their reaction to last week’s release on the Google AdWords blog detailing the new Impression … [Read more...] about Google Makes a Big Impression and Bing Adds Sitelinks
Google’s New Ad Rotation Settings are Now REALLY Not the Devil
If you've been a long-time reader of PPC Hero, you might remember Sean Quadlin’s elegant dissertation back in May on how Google’s new Ad Rotation settings were, and I quote, “The Devil”. For the uninitiated: In May, Google introduced new Ad Rotation settings, making it so that you can only opt ads in to the “Rotate evenly” option for a span of 30 days, after which they would … [Read more...] about Google’s New Ad Rotation Settings are Now REALLY Not the Devil
It’s Official: PPC Hero Prefers Bing to Google!
Oh, Bing. You're everywhere lately. You're on my television, interrupting my time with Stephen Colbert on Hulu, sending me emails asking me to call you Bing Ads now, and asking me to "Bing-it-on". Well, like an annoying classmate telling me to call him by his Dungeon Master name now, asking me to please, please take his survey for science class; I'd rather just get it over … [Read more...] about It’s Official: PPC Hero Prefers Bing to Google!