I wrote a post last week about the new Google ad placements. It took a while for me to spot an instance of an ad at the bottom of search results, but I finally did. And when I did, it concerned me. What I saw wasn’t cases of the top placements being full and what would be on the side being at the bottom. The only instances I saw of bottom ads were where sponsored links could … [Read more...] about Google Bottom Ad Placements Eroding CTR
Search Results for: google
Did You Know: Some Google Display Network Sites Don’t Track Conversions
As my client team was putting together monthly reports to send out, one of my team members noticed a pretty big disparity between the Display Network CPL showing in the Google interface and the CPL that was being calculated in Excel. It was a difference of $2.33. I reached out to a Google rep about this disparity, and received the following response: there are some sites on the … [Read more...] about Did You Know: Some Google Display Network Sites Don’t Track Conversions
4 Questions to Ask Your Google Analytics
Google Analytics provides answers to many questions that can increase PPC performance. But are you asking it the right questions? Here are 4 questions you should be asking Analytics, and what the answers tell you. 1. Am I making money or losing money with PPC? Tracking revenue and expenses is easy to do with Analytics. If your web site does ecommerce, analytics ecommerce … [Read more...] about 4 Questions to Ask Your Google Analytics
Will Google Update Impact Paid Search?
Get “fresher” organic search results today, thanks to Google algorithmic update. This update impacts about 35% of all searches. Specifically, search times that indicate you are looking for web pages that contain/sell: • Recent Events • Hot Topics • Regularly Recurring Events • Frequently Updated Content (i.e. Best SLR Camera) This update builds upon Caffeine, which already … [Read more...] about Will Google Update Impact Paid Search?
It’s Official: New Ad Placements on Google
Paid search ads at the bottom of Google search results have been seen for several months. Today, Google announced that these new ad placements have been rolled out across their network. When to utilize these new placements will be determined dynamically. So, searchers will not always see ads at the bottom of their results. (At least not yet.) Here’s what the new ad placements … [Read more...] about It’s Official: New Ad Placements on Google
Location Targeting in Google Adwords Gets Revamped
According to Google, location targeting (also called geo-targeting) has lowered paid search cost-per-click (CPC) by as much as 36%. This drastic increase in performance must be why Google has announced that they are revamping how their Locations setting works within in the Adwords interface. To make geo-targeting easier for advertisers Google has connected the location … [Read more...] about Location Targeting in Google Adwords Gets Revamped
Google Introduces “Bid-Per-Call” In AdWords
If your client has a call center that can deal with the lead volume your PPC campaign creates, it’s probably no surprise to you that you should be taking advantage of that with Call Extensions. If you’re not, here’s an even better reason to start: you can now make specific call bids. Stop waiting on phone calls, and start advertising that phone number! If you’re using the … [Read more...] about Google Introduces “Bid-Per-Call” In AdWords
Google Analytics Cookie Infographic
Before I began working in PPC my favorite cookie was chocolate chip. Although I still find them incredibly delicious, these cookies don't provide the insight of my new favorite type: the Google Analytics cookie. Analytics uses cookies to define user sessions, and provide invaluable information about people who visit your site. Attachmedia has created an infographic that … [Read more...] about Google Analytics Cookie Infographic
Google AdWords Introduces Dynamic Search Ads
Are you managing an AdWords account for a company that has tons of products? Do you find it difficult to keep up with writing ads for all the new products? Do products often get taken off the shelves before you have a chance to pause the ads? Well, Google hears your cries of frustration, friend. They’ve introduced the beta for Dynamic Search Ads. So, here’s how they work: … [Read more...] about Google AdWords Introduces Dynamic Search Ads
How I Manage A PPC Account Without Google AdWords
This is the third installment of our How I Manage A _________ PPC Account series this week. Today I’ll be talking about how I manage a PPC account without Google AdWords. Why on earth would you choose not to run in AdWords, you ask? There are several reasons that might cause, or even force, you to run in other search engines, such as: The AdWords keyword marketplace is simply … [Read more...] about How I Manage A PPC Account Without Google AdWords
Google Introduces Premium Analytics
These guys can barely contain their excitement about this news You heard me correctly, folks. Or, would it be read me correctly? Either way, there’s going to be a premium version of Analytics! … [Read more...] about Google Introduces Premium Analytics
Real-Time Reports Now Available in Google Analytics
Google Analytics has been hitting the books hard lately! They’ve been making interface changes (and they aren’t done yet), as well as integrating new features in to the most recent version of the Analytics dashboard. All of those changes have somehow made your Analytics life easier when it comes to viewing data about what has been happening on your site, however today’s update … [Read more...] about Real-Time Reports Now Available in Google Analytics